Conway with Reheat?

JFC Fuller

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
22 April 2012
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I recall reading years ago, it may have been in an article or even a forum, that Rolls Royce did at one point lash a reheat unit up to a Conway. My recollection os that it was a very basic and half-hearted effort just to show that it could be done, I think there were some issues but it basically worked. I know a reheat version of the Conway was proposed for the P1121 (R.Co11R) about the time that the Olympus was on the chopping board (about the time of the V-Bomber Mk2 decision) so I assume there is some relationship?

Does anybody have any further information?

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Reading BSP:Bombers.

Vickers Supersonic Valient proposal used reheated Conway Co.3s, 2000K reheat. Circa Jan 1952.

Reheated Co.16R offered 31,360lb.

Supersonic Victor proposal Conways 20,000lb dry, circa Oct 1956.

P1121 due orriginaly to fly by mid 1958, variant with Conway 11R, circa Spring 1957. Expected to fly 1962.
P1129 using Conway 31R, 21/1/57.
In 1957 Vought at least suggested, in the form of a "Preliminary Investigation" report to the British MOD, a license-built F8U-3 powered by an afterburning Conway replacing the P&W J75. The only other configuration change, as opposed to equipment substitution, was the addition of a recess for a semi-submerged carriage of a 2,000-lb store so it could function as a fighter bomber. It was projected to have a top speed of Mach 2.2 at 35,000 feet.
Cyril Elliot's book 'Fast Jets' published by RRHT has the history of reheat development at Derby.. Derwent to Adour. I don't know if the Conway is in there too, but it ought to be! Anyone read it?
Unfortunately Hawker discovered the Conway 11R with reheat was strictly a paper engine, and Rolls-Royce weren't about to start work on it without a big government development contract. Rolls-Royce suggested Hawker fly the P.1121 prototype with a stock unreheated Conway, which was clearly a non-starter.
Don't know if everybody has moved on from this topic but, with regard to Cyril Elliott's book, it has details on the Avon 2000K lash-up pipe on a Conway RCo5 (mentioned in the thread in reply #1) which achieved 45% boost at a nozzle gas temp of 1810K and temp ratio 2.5. This demonstrator (Feb 1959)was specifically to support a proposal for the RB142 in the Mirage IV. It was later than the F105 proposal (Jan 58) and the Arrow proposal (Oct 58) which were both for re-heated Conways.
TT - And we know what a single 2,000-lb store would be. That combo would have put the ****s up a Soviet battle group...
My little contribution
This demonstrator (Feb 1959)was specifically to support a proposal for the RB142 in the Mirage IV
The Mirage IV in question was the "fat" Mirage IVB, twice as big as the IV-01 or the definitive IVA. A much better aircraft overall, but with a lethal flaw: the Force de Frappe couldn't be tied to a foreign engine... better to transfer the dependance to aircraft tankers.
A prototype of the Mirage IVB was being build during the year 1959; it was stopped in September. never seen any picture of the incomplete hull, however...
Engine considered were the Conway, the Iroquois, and J-75.

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