Chinese UAV Concepts at Zhuhai


ACCESS: Top Secret
11 February 2007
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There are a bunch of UAV concepts from the 'AVIC Cup-International UAV Innovation Grand Prix' up at Defence News
The competition site itself seems to be Chinese language, but the article says it was limited to industry professionals, so these fall into that murky not-quite-official-but-we're-tossing-around-ideas-along-these-lines category.
Oh, and it looks like Avatar was popular ;)
What's in that one drawing that seem to show a drone with swept back wings that slides into the main fuselage?
For me it looks a little bit too much like graphic designer and not engineers work.
WiG over sea (and other IGE) will probably weight a fair amount in future scenario, especially as a cheap alternative to stealth in narrow corridor of water (hence the small size/small range)

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