Brazilian CTA Heliconair HC-1 Convertiplano by Dr. Focke & Projects

Very interesting, have never heard of that Focke design before.
Has anybody more infoamation or pics about this aircraft design?
Heinrich Focke bring the project with him, when he came to Brazil in the early fifities. Thanks to the lack of vision and patience of the authorities ( Around here, some things never change! :( ), the project was killed.

At that time he worked on another project, a light helicopter called the Beija-Flor ( Hummingbird ), who suffered the same fate for the same reasons.

Hope it helps.
Thanks for the info, unfortunately one cannot see the pic you have attached...there is just a red cross. ;)
luedo34 said:
Thanks for the info, unfortunately one cannot see the pic you have attached...there is just a red cross. ;)

That's because I'm not allowed to post images yet, because i didn't make much posts here. Overscan just informed me of that.

But you can find the picture here:
Ah, I understand. I just had a look at the pictures on this cta-website, unfortunately they are neither very big, nor very clear. Anyway, thanks a lot! :)
Would anyone know of a good source for three-view drawings and dimensions for the Brazilian CTA Heliconair HC-1 Convertiplano by Dr. Focke? I am trying to construct a 1/72 model of the aircraft. Basically it was a post-war continuation of Dr. Focke's experiments in convertiplanes and helicopters in Brazil. Any help is most appreciated.
Hi TsrJoe,

Thanks! I went to the link you kindly gave, but couldn't see anything. Is there a way to do so? For my project I have the Spitifre XIV and am preparing to start a fuselage. After 20 letters to the Brazilian Air Force and Aviation Technical Archives (CTA) I have received no help at all. Any knowledge of where the air intake and exhausts go will be most helpful!

Best regards,

A grateful "Thank You!" to the members on here who helped with the research on the CTA Convertiplane! The International Resin Modellers Association has a completed master in 1/72 and the kit will be released this November! We're casting them now! This will be IRMA Kit No.5 CTA Heliconair HC-I Convertiplano and is the planned version for the Double-Mamba engine. We will also be doing the version with the Wright engine (HC-Ib) and the GE engines (HC-II). Kits can be found at
zanenobbs said:
The International Resin Modellers Association has a completed master in 1/72 and the kit will be released this November!

Can't wait to see it! I'm crazy about VTOL aircraft, and this was certainly one of the most interesting and elegant designs of that type!
Thanks for your enthusiasm.
Stargazer2006 said:
.. this was certainly one of the most interesting and elegant designs of that type!

Indeed, but no wonder, as it was based on the Spitfire !


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zanenobbs said:
A grateful "Thank You!" to the members on here who helped with the research on the CTA Convertiplane! The International Resin Modellers Association has a completed master in 1/72 and the kit will be released this November! We're casting them now! This will be IRMA Kit No.5 CTA Heliconair HC-I Convertiplano and is the planned version for the Double-Mamba engine. We will also be doing the version with the Wright engine (HC-Ib) and the GE engines (HC-II). Kits can be found at

From the same source,

here is a drawings to HC-I and HC-II.


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And a drawing for C-II.



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From, Historia da Construcao Aeronautica no Brasil,

ITA had already carried out three aircraft projects, named respectively
ITA-1, ITA-2 and ITA-3. The first two had barely reached the pre-project
stage, while the third, an elegant executive twin-engine,ever slower pace.
It was necessary to achieve something big, and quickly. Or perhaps ITA
itself would be threatened in its survival. Professor Focke’s Heliconair
was a excellent alternative.


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From, Enciclopedia de Avioes Brasileiros,

CTA 001 "Executive Jet"

In the early 60s, the Aerospace Technical Center (São José dos Campos-SP) carried out a study
trends in the Brazilian civil and military market and,
among others, it detected a demand for executive jets with 6 to 8 seats and great autonomy.

Based on this study, CTA engineers
designed an elegant bi-reactor with turbines placed close to the fuselage, under the “T” tail, with a metallic construction, pressurized cabin and a cruise speed exceeding 800 km/h.

The study reached the basic design stage, but,
at that time, the attention of the Ministry of
Aeronautics were focused on making the newly created Embraer viable, which, moreover, had plans for a
jet version of the “Bandeirante” (see Embraer “Bandeirante Jato”). In addition, the Ministry of
Aeronautics opted to purchase HS 125 jets, from
proven efficiency and already available on the market. AND
the plans of the “Executive Jet” were abandoned.

Status: Project.


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