Books about Airborne Early Warning


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 November 2007
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Ideally, I'm looking for recent books, or failing that, articles about Airborne Early Warning equipment on aircraft in the 1945-1954 period. I have AWACS and Hawkeyes by Armistead but that's it. Any help would be appreciated.

Just found one on my shelf: Airborne Early Warning: Design, Development and Operations, by Mike Hirst, Osprey Publishing, 1983. It's a British book so it covers the subject from a more British perspective, including a lot on the Nimrod AEW that was then in development (and proved such a disaster).

Well illustrated, has several chapters on the early history of AEW. What do you want from it? I could photocopy a chapter or two if you're interested.
Hi. Thank you very much. No need to copy anything. Thanks for the offer.

There's also a good recent book on the S-2 Tracker and E-2 Tracer. I posted it on another thread.
Hi Blackstar

Could you please provide a link or title? I've tried the search function but can't find your entry on the other thread.

Thank you.

Mike Hirst's book Airborne Early Warning: Design, Development and Operations is pretty good.
Not a lot of books on the subject. As a couple of people have pointed out, Mike Hirst's book is very good. I wish he would do an update as it is almost 30 years old. Well-written and informative with good illustrations

One area that it does not cover is British use of a radar mounted in a Wellington to counter the V-1 problem. This was the first use of AEW. Flypast April 1987 had an article on it. That issue is readily available off eBay or you could PM me.

Of course, you should take a look at Chris' new books coming out later this year: The Admiralty and AEW and The Air Staff and AEW. They're both described at,7045.0.html . Based on the standard of Chris' work on his VC10 book you can expect them to be superb. You can order them off in the UK. (You can also order it off in the US but they show it as "out of print" so they may not be planning to import any copies unless there is sufficient demand.)

It would help if you could tell us more about what you're after. Lists of actual AEW systems built and flown? Usage? Information about Soviet or other lesser known (in the West) projects?

Be very careful about getting unknown books off Amazon. They now have several books on AEW (an other subjects) that merely reprint freely available Wikipedia articles (in tiny type!). They are now better about describing these as being reprints in the descriptions. They also also offer a Webster's timeline of AEW that is a complete waste and seems to skirt the consumer fraud laws. Amazon does not mention that it is mechanically "authored".

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