B747-8F is getting ready to fly.

It has flown.


  • Photograph courtesy of Boeing Media.jpg
    Photograph courtesy of Boeing Media.jpg
    293.6 KB · Views: 45
Yeah, I took these pics while watching it. One is of it taxiing back after landing and the other is it's flight path from flight aware, near the end of the flight.

I fly MSFS, so I was curious to see what flight path they used on their first test flight. I wanted to see where they fly to stay out of everyone's way. I had to laugh when I saw the south east loop. Boeing getting the requisite pics around Mt. Rainier on the first flight. ;)

BTW, I never noticed the designation painted on the belly, but I don't think the video feed ever gave a good shot from the belly.


  • B747-8.jpg
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  • Boe501.jpg
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via http://www.flightglobal.com/airspace/media/ace79/emptys/53470/rc501-first-flight-2-8-10-fa252600a-jpg.jpg


  • B-747-800 1. flight.jpg
    B-747-800 1. flight.jpg
    427.1 KB · Views: 45
Here's a new photo of the 747-8F.


  • 747-8F Boeing Photo K64899.jpg
    747-8F Boeing Photo K64899.jpg
    554.2 KB · Views: 33

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