Star Wars: The Acolyte official trailer

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I think Star Wars should been ended long time ago, Disney has nothing really interesting to offer from it. Lack of talent?
It actually doesnt look as bad as I thought it might. That said it does not feel at all like star wars. It is that jj abramsification like the star trek movies he made. The vibe is odd and imo different. The crazy thing is disney has somehow managed to burn people out on star wars, of all film Chronicles thry were somehow able to ruin starwars even more than the prequels did.
i watch this trailer
just boring, expressionless, Woman are powerful, nothing to address a Star War fan...
for me the Franchise died long ago with the Last Jedi by ruin Johnson.
Sorry the trailer did absolutely nothing for me. I’ll still watch this but of all the Star Wars shows this is the one I’ve set the lowest bar for. It’s set in era that I’m just not that interested in, I wish they would move forward in the timeline not all the time backwards.

The animated shows have been better than the majority of the live action shows tbh.
The trailer is indeed nothing to write home about. At this point, I have negative expectation as the Director is neither Jon Favreau, nor Tony Gilroy...the only people who have proven they can write villains, heroes and stories worth the Star Wars brand.
'May the bland be with you.'

Not all fiction that appears on screens is for the audience. Not long ago, in a galaxy far away, someone created the word "streaming." Which was shouted by everyone. It became the magic formula for the >future< whatever that is. But guess what? The 'streaming bubble' has burst. TV -- relabeled linear TV -- was spit on. Today? Hollywood wants new material that is the same as 'linear TV.'
I think Star Wars should been ended long time ago, Disney has nothing really interesting to offer from it. Lack of talent?
I agree with regards to the last trilogy: that was awful.

And I was very sceptical, but I absolutely LOVE the series, with Andor especially: it’s a masterpiece.
Star Wars is dead. George Lucas has sold his soul to…..
George Lucas had a soul??? But seriously, we're talking about Hollywood cash brimming celebrities here, so c'mon, people - get real! And yes, I stopped watching Star Wars decades ago before it turned into a self indulgent navel gazing cash cow exercise.
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I think Star Wars should been ended long time ago, Disney has nothing really interesting to offer from it. Lack of talent?
Religion, political correctness, bad clothing, and only the technology necessary to let the viewer know that the action takes place in a galaxy far away populated by humans identical to us.:)
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It's easy to dismiss Star Wars but i'm enjoying some excellent TV material
Andor S1 was excellent
Ahsoka was good
Bad batch is great

Acolyte is promising, good to see the Dark Side
It's easy to dismiss Star Wars but i'm enjoying some excellent TV material
Andor S1 was excellent
Ahsoka was good
Bad batch is great

Acolyte is promising, good to see the Dark Side

Acolyte looks like a yoga class...

or something.
The TV/streaming shows are far too slowly paced. The original trilogy has a run time of less than 6hours 30mins combined and there is never a dull moment. I struggled to stay awake watching Andor!

Hopefully Acolyte has a faster paced story and script, a shorter episode run time and a lot more spaceships!
Religion, political correctness, bad clothing, racial integration and only the technology necessary to let the viewer know that the action takes place in a galaxy far away populated by humans identical to us.:)
Sounds like OG Star Trek!
I think he is referring to the hamfisted corporate approach. Preachy, awkward, annoying, etc... it is indeed getting a little tedious to deal with especially with an industry that gaslights you and says it isnt happening.
Star Trek: Lots of sociology, lots of negotiations, and not enough shooting, but it's more believable than Star Wars because the action takes place in OUR galaxy and OUR future.

Wha, what ???
I think he is referring to the hamfisted corporate approach. Preachy, awkward, annoying, etc... it is indeed getting a little tedious to deal with especially with an industry that gaslights you and says it isnt happening.

A meeting that did NOT happen at Disney.

"OK. First, we get rid of all the old people. Anyone here over 30?"

But, but, we need people with experience.

"NO you don't. OK. Let's talk Star Wars: Acolyte.

I don't like the name.

"Well, I do. And I'm in my 20s so only what I say matters.

To assistant: Give me the Green Phone.

"What are you doing?"

I'll not have any rebba-lotion-aries in here.

A few minutes later...

George Lucas !!!

George: "Stop it! I won't have you kids in your 20s ruining everything! Now, get out! All of you!
I believe Justo is thinking of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The original Star Trek or TOS had plenty of phaser fire. I would prefer watching that then sit through any of the Disney+ Star Wars.
I dare say, that space battles in TOS - with the enemy ship only visible on screen, being hundreds of thousands kilometers away - were the most realistic depiction of space combat till Expanse.
I dare say, that space battles in TOS - with the enemy ship only visible on screen, being hundreds of thousands kilometers away - were the most realistic depiction of space combat till Expanse.
Yeah. But then... as awesome as Star Trek II: TWOK was, the space battles were more akin to Age Of Sail broadsides. Just silly. And then "Revenge of the Sith" opened with kilometer-scale battleships mere *yards* from each other.

In TOS, though...
"Can you make out the configuration of that vessel?"
"Nope, too far. It's only one pixel wide at max zoom."
"Oh well, kill it with a matter-antimatter explosive charge in a long range fusion-powered missile."
This Trailer bring es to the point
The Great Fanbase Replacement.

Who could have foreseen in the early years of Star Wars fandom that the controllers of the IP would eventually decide that straight men and teenage boys would eventually be decided to be the *wrong* demographics to go after?

It makes as much sense as a "Barbie" movie aimed at the redpilled Manosphere.
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