African prototypes and projects (without South Africa)


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
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Hi all,

I want to start a new thread. He is to devote himself to all prototypes and projects of the African continent, except South Africa, since there is a separate one. ;)

Then start, I'm very curious, what interesting material comes together!

Regards, Maveric
You can say also without Egypt,because we have a topic for it,

but it will take a lot of time.
I had posted this a while back, about a Libyan COIN aircraft:

I can't think of any projects per se, rather aircraft modifications and modernisations.

For instance, Sudan has reportedly modified its MiG-23s, though it's likely that the crash of the only two-seater has ended this program. A similar program was conducted for their Bo-105s.

Ethiopia has also reportedly modified its Su-27s to carry bombs, giving them a limited A2G capability, and was also reportedly developing a UAV at some point.

These seem to be the only ones I could find.
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