
  1. Grey Havoc

    Veteran PC Game 'Sopwith' Celebrates 40th Anniversary
  2. T

    The Rejectionist's Board & Video Gaming Thread

    I see a lot of threads about games but not a gaming thread , the idea was given by @Grey Havoc thread about ROUTINE coming back to life so I said "Hey this website doesn't seem to have a general gaming thread" so well I did ! View: Space Related...
  3. Flyaway

    Cyberpunk 2077 Game

    Game removed from store. Also full refunds being offered to consumers. Fairly unprecedented for a triple A title but I am not surprised to be honest. Been looking at some of the numerous bug videos online and it’s clear it was a broken mess when launched. As an owner of an original PS4 glad I...
  4. Triton

    Fictional Aircraft from Movies, Games, etc.

    Futuristic helicopter from the Russian urban fantasy/horror film Temnyy Mir (Dark World) (2010).
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