european aeronautic defence and space company

  1. FutureSpaceTourist

    EADS Zehst Hypersonic Passenger Transport

    EADS has a design for a Zero Emission Hypersonic Transportation (Zehst) rocketplane. Of course there's an animation too: I really don't get what EADS think they'll achieve publicising such designs that no one (not even the EU) will ever fund ...
  2. Triton

    EADS Hypersonic Transport

    Drawing of EADS Innovation Works and Astrium Space Transportation zero emission hypersonic transport. Source: Warwick, Graham. "Transpacific in Two Hours, With No Emissions" Leading Edge 5/28/2010...
  3. U

    MIGBUS suborbital system

    Another lost programme - Migbus.
  4. C

    EADS Astrium suborbital vehicle

    EADS has unveiled its concept for a suborbital space tourism vehicle, a sort of EuroSpaceShipTwo. Here are some excerpts from the press release: This business jet sized vehicle is designed to carry four passengers 100km up into space giving more than three minutes of "zero G" or...
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