French light aircraft contest


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11 March 2006
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Contests for civil aircraft in the field of the general aviation are quite rare. But
during the late fifties, the french "Ministère des Transports" started a contest
for an affordable light 2-seat aircraft with docile handling, intended for the aero-
clubs. At least 9 types were tendered, I'll start with those, which are known
to me:
- the RAC Mignet HM370
(from FlugWelt-60-I)

- the SERA 01A
(from FlugWelt-60-I)

- the Legrand-Simon

- the Helicop-Air L.50 Girhel, as an autogiro really an outsider,...


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... and the type, which was eventually declared the winner, not surpringly
a very conventional, although in the event very succesful design, the Morane-
Saulnier MS.880 Rallye, hte prototype still quite different from the later
series aircraft.

Other entrants were :

- the Gatard Statoplan Hirondelle

- the Labat Nomade

- the Le Gris LG21

- and the Lemaire ARL20

Anyone with any visual information (drawings, photos of models) to these designs ?


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hello !
As told at the " bar "I can't send any pic (even tiny 3 views ! ) to the site,but my mail runs pretty well .
I just mailed the 9 contenders to you .
The Source is " Aviation Magazine No 267 (15 janvier 1959 )
have a good day
Of course, here are three of hte missing entrants :
- the Labat I.L-60 Nomade
- the Gatard Statoplan
and the Lemaire ARL-20, fitted with a so-called "lateron" for directional

(Thanks very much Richard, Richard, sent you a mail, maybe three mails got lost.)


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The Labat IL-60 Nomade.


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From Ailes 27/12/1958,

the Labat IL-60 Nomade.


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My dear Jemiba,From Aviation magazine 1958,

I think this SRCM-180 Milouin Project was submitted to this contest,am I right ?.

Among the projects submitted to SFASA on the occasion of his recent competition light security aircraft,
the most Surprising is, no doubt, that established by the SRCM of Joigny. The SRCM 180 “Milouin” device
is effect, a wing duck monoplane mid-high and fixed tricycle train. The Continental 90 hp engine is placed
at the back of the fusel and attack,through trees and referrals, two propellers mounted substantially at mid-
span. A big skyrocketing is mounted at the rear of the fuselage, however that the front point supports a
trapezoidal stabilizer fully mobile. The main wing cipal includes a fixed slot of leading edge running all
over the span and the trailing edge is shared between internally compensated fins (sealed-balance)
deep and bend flaps recoil and double slit. The system control includes a warping - steering synchronization,
all being controlled by the handle only. However this sleeve only attacks the lower part of the rudder.
The upper part is controlled by a classic lifter on which is also connected the front wheel of the lander.
Air brakes are mounted on the sides of the fuselage, under the wing, and the steering does not affect lift
general. By opening them on the ground, we thus accesses the engine and controls. The propellers must be
not variable, a restful system on that used by the anti propellers couple of helicopters being chosen
thanks to the hollow propeller shaft available with the chosen layout. The device is built entirely of wood
in its first version, but a second variant must understand a tube fuselage welded steel fabric only covered.
Here are some figures: Envfu ": 10 m, Length: 6.50 m.

author: 3.15 m. Total surface :
18 m2. Empty weight equipped: 391
kg. Total weight: 630% e, Charge
wing: .45 kg / m2. Maximum ground speed: 200 km / h. Speed of
cruise: 180 km / h. Ascending speed
sional on the ground: 5.30 m / sec. Landing speed: 55 km / h. Theoretical ceiling: 4.200 m. Autonomy: 4 h. 30 min. Takeoff in
82 m. Passage of the 15 m: 152 m.
With gerobrakes, the device takes off,
passes the 15 m and rests, stopped
in 332 m. Without airbrakes, this
distance increased to 361 m.


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Unfortunately the ARL-20 (and the others) were not built.
This is the single-seat ARL-11 Baby Squale which was completed/flown in 1959 to test the ARL-20 configuration.


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From Aviation magazine 1959.


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From Aviation Francais 1946,

was those for the same competition or not ?.


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From Aviation Francais 1946,

was those for the same competition or not ?.
Not the same competition, the Toussus le Noble air show 1946 was a meeting organised during the second national aviation congress to present all the new post-WW2 French general aviation aircraft (and gliders).
Note: Not listed was the Fauvel AV-17 tailless competition glider, presented at the last moment.

Concerning the SRCM-180 Miloin, the project was later modified by Roger Mouza and Maurice Chalatte into a low wing 2-seat side-by-side aircraft similar to the Frati Falco-8, then into a 3-seat aircraft: The SRCM-153 Joigny.(cf Aviation Magazine n°272 April 1959 - source of the photo here-under)
SRCM stands for Société de Recherche et de Construction Mécanique


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