Various Pre-WWII Soviet Projects & Prototypes


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26 May 2006
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anther confusing with Russian aircraft,
in Stal bureau the Stal-4 was not known, but under Grigorvich title I found a project
call Stal-MAI ,and I don't know it was Stal-4 or it was for MAI design .
please help.
I know that there are lot of rare projects of Soviet being before 1941. BOK-7/11 for example. I have no idea about what exactly they are. But I believe you can do it here to tell me what they are? If someone has already posted this kind of thread, I should ask mod to delet this one.

these aircraft wasn't in the book
of russian:
Grokhovski GN-6 single seat glider.
GN-7 two seat glider.
and two aircraft from post war:
Ilyushin IL-66 and IL-72 jet airliners.

Yermolaev Yer-6 :was a version of Yer-2-2 fitted with M-40F engines.
An earlier soviet project about which I know nearly nothing:

Anyone knows more?


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These are not unbuilt projects but prototypes or experimental aircraft.

I don't know that designer and this project was from 1944 as
VTOL fighter.


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Anther projects from 1921 to 1939.


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there is the Sukhoi VRD project.


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I saw these projects in and other pages .Here are little of the projects that I know. ;D
_pic1:KOSTIKOV 302
_pic6:Golovin "IVS"


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I can't ID those two aircraft well,the first called MI-4,and the second called or designed
by Pysnova,can anybody help ?.


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Name for the second image is Pishnov.

As for MI-4 and MI-13 in the first picture, we'd need to see the page to determine the name of the designer.
Stargazer2006 said:
Name for the second image is Pishnov.

As for MI-4 and MI-13 in the first picture, we'd need to see the page to determine the name of the designer.

Hi Stargazer,

here is the a part,about three pages from the article,may be it can help.


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This is too small I'm afraid. However, the paragraph that mentions "MI-4" and "MI-13" doesn't seem to indicate a designer. Previous paragraph was about Polikarpov R-Z and I-17, next one is about Tupolev's ANT-40.
The "MI-13" is described as heavy fighter / attack version of the SB (ANT-40), armed with one 25-mm (?? - Such a caliber never existed in the Soviet Union...) nose cannon and two movable machine guns. I think they meant the DI-8 (ANT-46), but described it under the wrong name and placed not very correct picture of it. Once I described the actual DI-8 here:,7951.msg70342.html#msg70342.

The "MI-4"... a beautiful aircraft, but seems to be pure fiction :( . According the article it was not even a project, but a real prototype flown in 1932 - the naval fighter with M-17 engine and interchangeable landing gear (wheels or floats). But I don't know any real Soviet fighter with similar appearance ??? .

It seems that the Czech author thought that "MI" index means Morskoi Istrebitel (maritime fighter) - the "MI-13" is also described as naval aircraft. But in reality, "MI" stood for Mnogomestnyi Istrebitel (multiplace fighter}; so the aircraft like this "MI-4", if it would exist, could not carry such a name. There was actually a specification for an aircraft named MI-4: it was issued for TsAGI (i.e. Tupolev) as a replacement for their unsuccessful MI-3 (ANT-21). It was scheduled into the prototype aircraft construction plan for the years 1934/35, together with its bomber version called BB (Blizhniy Bombardirovschik - Short range bomber). The real MI-4 would be a twin-engine monoplane with two Wright Cyclone or Hispano-Suiza 12Y engines. The bomber version of it turned at least into the SB (ANT-40), while MI-4 itself was cancelled (or we can say it incarnated into the DI-8?)
Great post as always, redstar72! Thanks a lot for providing such detailed and factual explanation and debunking the myths...
The most funny thing is that if MI-4 (the real one) would be built, it could look much like "MI-13" from this article... ;)

in Les Ailes journal,a strange Model to unknown fighter,may be just a suggesting
aircraft,for the designer Leon Tikonovitch,but I think the right spelling is Leonid
Tikhonovich,with a triangular two wings,set inverted to each other,did anyone
hear about it before ?;


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From the Member McGreig,

and from the whatifmodelers site,I want to ask,are all of those Petlyakov Pe.2 a real projects ?.


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Yes, real.
1) Pe-2 I-RD,3019.msg24293.html#msg24293
2) "Paravan" balloon cable cutter, with an open structure of the beam front nose support cable cutting (this prototype was actually built)
3) Various testbeds
4) DIS-2 (VK-107),1975.msg17122.
Excellent my dear Borovik,many thanks,

and sorry for this double post of those two aircraft.

the first time in my lift to know this project,the Petlyakov Pe.6,can anyone translate it.


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hesham said:
the first time in my lift to know this project,the Petlyakov Pe.6,can anyone translate it.

That page was from the book; Эксмо - Пикирующий бомбардировщик Пе-2
can anyone tell us what was Pe.6 ?.
hesham said:
hesham said:
the first time in my lift to know this project,the Petlyakov Pe.6,can anyone translate it.

That page was from the book; Эксмо - Пикирующий бомбардировщик Пе-2
can anyone tell us what was Pe.6 ?.
Plane Pe- 6 motors M - 107A (formerly - Pe -2D ) was a direct result of the idea Pe -2F . It is built using the second copy of the aircraft modification "F ", having serial number 5/134 . This option involves increasing gross weight up to 9900 kg , the implementation of all changes to the aerodynamics of the type of Pe- 2B , including the transfer of oil cooler and suction pipes in the wing to improve the shape of the engine nacelles . Expected to gain maximum flight speed of the order of 590 km / h and a range of 1,500 km at a normal bomb load of 1000 kg. Defensive armament was designed by type Pe- 2V, including increased pilot lamp with navigational turret " FZ " .

In the autumn of 1943. Myasishcheva enticed more radical idea radical recycling concept bomber . New look based on the success of the British high-speed aircraft, " Mosquito " deprived of defensive weapons . Gradually work on Pe- 6 stopped , but "Soviet Mosquito " was created accelerated pace . Myasischev donated "six" in favor of " pie in the sky " - the future of Pe-2I . Car number 5/134 was later used in the factory number 26 for debugging option " pawns " with motors VK -108 .

here is the Yermoleav Yer.2 origins and variants,from Typy Broni.


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a strange flying disc or disc helicopter,as they called it,who heard about it before ?.


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hesham said:
a strange flying disc or disc helicopter,as they called it,who heard about it before ?.

From early post.


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here is the BOK-11 and BOK-13,the BOK-11 was high altitude experimental recce aircraft,and
the BOK-13 was a transport aircraft project.


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a small info about BOK-10,11,12,13 & 15.


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That BOK-13 is quite impressive, but I don't buy the transport designation. Were that massive engine, long wings and clearly pressurized cockpit and cabin all for carrying six passengers? Seems ludicrous for a transport, but as a long range, high altitutude reconnaissance aircraft project disguised as a transport, it makes a lot of sense.
cluttonfred said:
That BOK-13 is quite impressive, but I don't buy the transport designation. Were that massive engine, long wings and clearly pressurized cockpit and cabin all for carrying six passengers? Seems ludicrous for a transport, but as a long range, high altitutude reconnaissance aircraft project disguised as a transport, it makes a lot of sense.

My dear Cluttonfred,

frankly,I don't know,may a Russian members can ID it well.
cluttonfred said:
That BOK-13 is quite impressive, but I don't buy the transport designation. Were that massive engine, long wings and clearly pressurized cockpit and cabin all for carrying six passengers? Seems ludicrous for a transport, but as a long range, high altitutude reconnaissance aircraft project disguised as a transport, it makes a lot of sense.

Indeed. Has a Heinkel He 119 feel to it.
Slight possibility that the idea was to get extreme range from high-altitude flight?

from the book; Soviet Combat Aircraft of the World War Vol.2,here is a drawings
to a strange Petlyakov designation "Pe.33",I want to know if it was right designation
or a misprint ?.


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hesham said:

here is the BOK-11 and BOK-13,the BOK-11 was high altitude experimental recce aircraft,and
the BOK-13 was a transport aircraft project.

First time I saw this designs and the bok-13 is very interesting because it's very advanced: massive engine, long wings and clearly pressurized cockpit and cabin but "fixed undercarriage"? It's a bit strange. Sadly we don't have more drawings.

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