Soviet unbuilt Naval projects


ACCESS: Secret
17 August 2006
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For counter Ticonderoga Class, Soviet also want a new class fighting ship which could be build in scores. Afterall, the Kirov class is too expensive. So here we see a new class that looks nuch similar with Ticonderoga.

[EDIT: Not a real project - MODERATOR]


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Nice bit of fiction there rousseau. I have always been interested in the aircraft carrier designs the soviets considered between the 1960's and 1990's.

First up Project-71 (it followed project 71 and was followed by project 69A) length 224m and 23,750t standard

Second Project-85 1954 30,500t 40 aircraft about the smae size as the Foch


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Third little number Project P1160 1971-72 80,000t 70 aircraft

Forth Project P1153 1973-77 265m 60 aircraft


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Navires et Histoire run a two part article a year ago on Soviet carriers projects. Don't have it there now. Another earlier project I remember illustrated in the Stalin's high seas navy (Naval Institute ?) . I have it at home.
Here you have some soviet carrier designs, like the Varyag, Project 1143 Ulianovsk and Project 1153 Sovietsky Soyuz.


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I´ve found yhis hangar plan, showing Su-33´s parking positions of the Ulyanovsk


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I found this picture on a Russian forum, does anyone know anymore about it?



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Golfus said:
Here you have some soviet carrier designs, like the Varyag, Project 1143 Ulianovsk and Project 1153 Sovietsky Soyuz.

Do you have any specs for Projects 1143 and 1153?
This is the only information I have

Orel P1153 35,000t 41,000t full loaded length overall 869ft (265m) beam - hull 100ft (30.5m), aircraft 60, crew 1200 design phase 1973-77

P1143 Ulyanovsk P1143-7 60,000t 79,750 full load length overall 1065ft (324.6m) length water line 995ft (303.3m) beam hull 130ft (39.6m) bean overall 248ft (75.6m) aircraft complement 37+4+20 crew 2300 + aircraew 1500 Design start 1984 laid down 25/11/88

Built at the Chernomorsky (Black Sea) shipyard at Nikolayev. Development started in 1984, laid down on 25 November 1988, work stopped at 40 percent complete upon the breakup of the USSR, formally cancelled on 1 November 1991, and scrapped starting 4 February 1992. Scrap value estimated at 640 million 1991 rubles. Designed by the Nevskoye Planning and Design Bureau. Chief designer initially L. Belov and then Yu. Varfolomeyev. A follow-on to the Tbilisi design, intended to be a fully capable CVN equivalent to the US carriers. Would have been equipped with two steam catapults and nuclear propulsion, probably a doubled Kirov plant. Designed to carry a maximum of 70 aircraft. Two Low Ball and two Punch Bowl SATCOM systems.

Displacement full load, tons: 79,800
Displacement, standard, tons: 60,000
Length, metres: 302.6 wl
Beam, metres: 39.8
Draught, metres: 10.7
Flight deck length, metres: 323.7
Flight deck width, metres: 75.5
Speed, knots: 32.0
Propulsion: 4 pressurised water reactors, steam turbines, 4 shafts, 240,000 shp
Complement: 2,300 and 1,500 air group

SSM - 12 SS-N-19 Shipwreck (P-500 Granit) launchers.
SAM - 24 SA-N-9 Gauntlet (RZ-130 Klinok) vertical launchers.
SAM/Guns - 8 CADS-N-1 (Kashtan).
A/S mortars:
2 RBU 12000 (Udav-1 Liven).
Fixed wing aircraft:
36 Su-27K Flanker-D.
10 Su-25UTG Frogfoot.
3 Yak-44 AEW.
18 Ka-27 Helix-A.
2 Ka-27PS Helix-D.

Some minor differences from JAZZ's info. Can't mention any particular sources, as I've collected the information in bits and pieces over the years.
Akula said:
I found this picture on a Russian forum, does anyone know anymore about it?


Can you post a link to where you found it from? Certainly looks interesting.
Here is the link to the forum.

Thanks Akula :)

Don't forget page 2

I can't see the full size pics because I'm redirected to another page. Could anybody with Russian Language knowledge post here/email me the pics and explain which projects are these. I have never seen it before. :eek:

Many Thanks in advance!

Merkury small CV (less than 200m long), armed with Yak-141 and Ka-27, mid 80s project by Severnoye PKB
Delfin small CV, catamaran and trimaran versions, design by Severnoye PKB in 1986.
Designs discontiinued with cancellation of Yak-141


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Project 10210 Bizon Large ASW ship, design by Severnoye PKB from 1977 till 1981. St. displacement 5000t, speed 50 knots.
Project 10230 Tur SKR, design by Zelenodolsky PKB in 1983, St. displacement 1600t, speed 55 knots.


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Thanks a lot for the posts snake65, really interesting projects :eek:
pometablava said:
Thanks Akula :)

Don't forget page 2

I can't see the full size pics because I'm redirected to another page. Could anybody with Russian Language knowledge post here/email me the pics and explain which projects are these. I have never seen it before. :eek:

Many Thanks in advance!


Yes Antonio

On page 2 of this forum
What is the Project 10200 design? (the 2-view drawing and 2 x model pics)

It looks like a helicopter carrying amphib design
Can someone who reads Russian please tell me more!

Well, Pioneer, the only info I have is that Project 10200 Khalsan was based on "Atlantika" class Ro-Ro cargo ship.
By the way, any drawings of the Yak-141 carriers?
This is 10200 Halzan ASW helicopter carrier


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Golfus said:
Well, Pioneer, the only info I have is that Project 10200 Khalsan was based on "Atlantika" class Ro-Ro cargo ship.
By the way, any drawings of the Yak-141 carriers?

Sorry Golfus
I do not have anything on the Yak-141 carriers!
But I will have a look around on the web for you

Pr.10200 Khalzan

The Pr.10200 was designed on the initiative of Admiral N.N. Amelko as a relatively cheap ASW helicopter carrier. The design was evaluated against the Pr.1143 Kiev class and an ASW version of Pr.10780, where it turned out to have considerably worse search capability. The design also became nearly as expensive and complex as Pr.1143.5, too noisy, and unable to meet military structural strength and damage control requirements. Regardless of this it was planned in March 1980 to build two ships of this class at the Chernomorsky shipyard before 1990. However, this decision was revoked, and Khalzan re-designed into the Pr.11780 landing ship.
The Pr.10200 was based on the hull of the Pr.1609 Kapitan Smirnov fast container ship, however eventually only the underwater part of the hull and the power plant remained the same. The design was to also have a well deck and capacity to carry a battalion of marine infantry and 50-60 tanks.

Displacement full load, tons: 31,000
Length, metres: 229.4/212.2
Beam, metres: 39.2/30.0
Draught, metres: 9.9
Speed, knots: 27
Propulsion: 2 GTU, 50,000 shp

12 SA-N-9 Gauntlet (RZ-130 Kinzhal) vertical launchers.
8 AK-630M 30 mm.
28 Ka-27 Helix-A.

Most of the information comes from postings on a Russian forum some years ago that has vanished since.

Now could someone please post pics of the Pr.11780 from the Russian forum linked above? :)


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gral_rj said:
snake65 said:
So what? Do You see any elevators on 1123?

They had it though. Two small elevators that fit only the Ka-25 Hormone helicopter
Exactly. The fact that they are not clearly shown on the drawing doesnt mean it has no elevators. Unfortunately the photos of the model which I have doesn't show the deck clearly.
Thank you snake65, however I was expecting there would be larger pictures behind the links (at least the file size seems to be bigger). The ones you posted seem to be the same previews that we can see already.
I'm not a Russian resident, therefore I have the same problem as possibly you - my IP is not supported by Russian provider, meaning that I'm not allowed to view full scale pictures :-\
Just trawling through the pictures on my hard drive and found these. Apologies if they have been posted here before.



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Meteorit said:
Thank you snake65, however I was expecting there would be larger pictures behind the links (at least the file size seems to be bigger). The ones you posted seem to be the same previews that we can see already.

You are welcome.


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Project 64 missile cruiser

1. Fregat SAM guidance radar
2. Razliv air search radar
3. Typhoon radar
4. SM-80 SAM launcher for the M-3 missile system (SA-N-1 GOBLET)
5. SAM magazine

Design work went on from 1955 to December of 1958 when work was halted.


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Came from Nevskiy Bastion's work on the S-300. Lots of info in there on air defense vessels and naval air defense systems leading up to the Kirov/S-300F combination.
is that a book or website??

If I remember correctly, the project 64 was some sort of missilederivation from the pr. 68bis, tough rahter well envolved
Please anyone can help me?.

I'm looking for drawings of the following unbuilt submarine designs

Project 667 SSGN which was intended to be armed with 3 Beriev P-100 strategic cruise missiles:

Please do not confound with Project 667 SSBN armed with 8 R-21 SLBM (SS-N-5 Sark according to NATO). That 667 SSBN project is described here:

Project 687 SSBN based on Project 705 SSN (NATO: Alfa) carrying R-27 SLBM or its R-27K anti-ship variant (that is very curious because I never heard before about an anti-ship SLBM)

Project 679 SSBN based on Project 671 SSN (NATO: Victor I) carring R-27 SLBM.

I found 667 at Steven Zaloga's "The Kremlin Nuclear Sword" while 687 and 689 are from Norman Polmar and KJ Moore "Cold War Submarines". All were cancelled to develop Project 667A Navaga (NATO: Yankee)

Thanks in advance

R-27K anti-ship variant (that is very curious because I never heard before about an anti-ship SLBM)

I knew that someone talked about anti-ship ballistic missiles before,2671.0.html
While reading Steven Zaloga's "The Kremlin's Nuclear Sword" I found another interesting ship which is absent from my books: Project 11570 (NATO: Sadko). The 11570 role was to reload the 941 Akula SSBN with R-39 SLBM at sea. My Google search yields neither info not drawings/pictures.

Can anybody post some info and/or picture?. Is that a unbuilt design or not?

Thanks in advance.

BTW while "googling" I found that monumental books which is well out of my economical possibilities but I think could be of interest to someone interested about the Russian Navy. Some unbuilt projects are included.


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