Early Dornier Civil Aircraft


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26 May 2006
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I don't know if this aircraft was a project or actually built.


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It was the Do GI Greif for 8-10 passengers. 1920 project only .


Dornier Do G I Greif

Type Project for an airliner, capacity 8 - 10 passengers
Engine 2 x BMW
Dimensions Length 12.2 m, height 3.3 m, span 21.0 m, wing area 80 m2
Weights Empty 2350 kg, flying weight 3450 kg
Performance Max. speed 180 km/h, service ceiling 6000 m



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A model photo of the Dornier G.I Greif
(from „Zeppelins Flieger – Das Flugzeug im Zeppelin.Konzern und in seinen Nachfolgebetrieben“,
different authors, published by the Zeppelin-Museum Friedrichshafen )


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Hello Hesham
From the "docavia - Les avions Dornier P. Gaillard


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visvirtusvoluntas said:
Amazing! Isn't it?

What are you talking about? A likeness between the Do G1 and the Do 28?
I don't think they've got that much in common...


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In the beginning of the '20s a number of single engined seaplanes were designed, amongst them the
P.74. Those projects later led to the Do D, Merkur and Komet.
(data and photo from „Zeppelins Flieger – Das Flugzeug im Zeppelin.Konzern und in seinen Nachfolgebetrieben“,
different authors, published by the Zeppelin-Museum Friedrichshafen )


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The 3-views shows the Friedrichshafen P.74 , a rare bird , not even in the book devoted to Friedrichshaven by Siegfried Borzutzki.
The actual allocation to a company seems difficult for those times. As the title of the source already suggests,
Flugzeugbau Friedrichshafen GmbH, Rohrbach Metallflugzeugbau and even Dornier had their origins in the
Zeppelin-Werke GmbH and often financial and organisational connections to it until much later.
Another type shown in that book is the Do F (not to be mixed with the later predecessor of the Do11/23 !), a
land based civil derivative of the Dornier Wal. The type, which had grewn much larger, than the Wal during
development, was regarded as "military" by the ILGK, the allied control commission and construction of the
first aircraft was stopped.


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Stargazer2006 said:
visvirtusvoluntas said:
Amazing! Isn't it?

What are you talking about? A likeness between the Do G1 and the Do 28?
I don't think they've got that much in common...

You may be right...the older one has wing braces. Otherwise, what differences do you see?
There's a kind of "family-like look", but I'm pretty sure, that's just superficial, due to
the kind of engine mounting and the "plank shaped" wing, giving the Do 28 a rather
old fashioned, if not primitive look. There was a reason, that it was called "Bauernadler"
(farmers eagle) within the German airforce, I think !
Stargazer2006 said:
visvirtusvoluntas said:
Amazing! Isn't it?

What are you talking about? A likeness between the Do G1 and the Do 28?
I don't think they've got that much in common...

I don't see a common origin, not at all. But is funny to see how the same company adopted a similar layout after so long time. High wing, engines and landing gear solution, general arrangement; can't be denied. Sure they are totally different airplanes.
Do 28, in its first form, seems to be the easiest way to obtain a twin-engined plane from a single-engined one. Isn't it?


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visvirtusvoluntas said:
I don't see a common origin, not at all. But is funny to see how the same company adopted a similar layout after so long time. High wing, engines and landing gear solution, general arrangement; can't be denied.

I agree. One poster doesn't see anything 'in common', but the pictures make it clear that the two aircraft designs have nearly everything in common. The only difference (other than the wing braces) I can see is that the older one seems to have a single pilot cockpit while the newer one has a side-by-side arrangement.

As you say, it's interesting to see the similarities!
A comparison of the internal structures would be interesting, but I'm afraid it will be hard to find
a cut-away of the Dornier G.I :-\
Jemiba said:
The actual allocation to a company seems difficult for those times. As the title of the source already suggests,
Flugzeugbau Friedrichshafen GmbH, Rohrbach Metallflugzeugbau and even Dornier had their origins in the
Zeppelin-Werke GmbH and often financial and organisational connections to it until much later.
Another type shown in that book is the Do F (not to be mixed with the later predecessor of the Do11/23 !), a
land based civil derivative of the Dornier Wal. The type, which had grown much larger, than the Wal during
development, was regarded as "military" by the ILGK, the allied control commission and construction of the
first aircraft was stopped.

Jamiba does the book more detail about this projects? I don't read German but I can think to buy the book if this has more information specially a 3d view of this civil projects.
The projects for the Do F (civil) and Do N (military) started around 1924, after the first commercial
successes of the Do Wal. Principally a Wal without sponsons, it nevertheless would have been new
developed, heavier aircraft, powered by either RR Condor III or Napier Lion V engines. Later, the
BMW VI was intended, too. Although development of the Do F seems to have started earlier, than
that of the N, the demand of a heavy twin engined military a/c by Japan probably lead to antedating
the military type, for which no construction work was necessary, as only raw materials and pre-products
were delivered to Kawasaki. In the meantime, the F had been developed further, again increasing
size and weight, now to a span of 28.50 m.
That's the detaily mentioned apart from those already posted.
The book is highly recommendable, but some knowledge of the German language is recommended,
as apart from the described types, the most interesting part, I think, are the relations of those manu-
facturers (Dornier, Gotha, Staaken, Rohrbach) to the Zeppelin group.
Will try to make a genealogy, I think ...
Apart from just another picture (contemporary artist impression, I think) of the G I Greif, I've found in
"Der deutsche Luftverkehr - Die Pionierjahre 1919 - 1925" a picture of a project of Do B Merkur with a quite
unique 3-engine installation. The upper engine should drive a pusher prop, the tw lower ones pull props.


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Hi Jens
Thanks for G1 photo
and the unknown 3 engined Merkur ! (for me)
Here, from the minidocavia the Dornier k3 (known)and
the K4 project do you know more of this K 4


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Thanks a lot for that very strange beast Jemiba. The Trimotor-Merkur seems to be a nightmare for the pilot's vision. I wonder which was the idea about that configuration.

New to me are the Dornier K-3 and K-4. I found the K-3 very similar to the Fokker 32. What do you think ?


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was this a Dornier Delphin I flying boat ?,they wrote on it, Dornier Do Co2.

Ailes 1921.


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Hi Hasan

From the "minidocavia" les avions dornier


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Thank you my dear Toura,

I want only to check on this design,it is Dornier Delphin I.

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