Artists impressions and the real thing

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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One of the fun things before Computer generated images was the way in which artists let rip with their
impressions of new aircraft etc...
Here is one I enjoyed as a schoolboy in 1969...

It is one of the first public images of the MRCA or Tornado as it became..

What I like is the way in which bits of Phantom, Jaguar and other beasts have been cobbled together. This led
me to many jot many similar images when I should have been learning..


  • MRCA.jpg
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I like the aircraft advertisements from the 1930s; the artists happily taking liberties with the subject, 'enhancing' the aerodynamics, removing pesky air intakes, aerials and other impedimenta, distorting the dimensions, and generally ignoring reality. This view of the Blackburn Skua is fairly typical of the genre


  • Skua.jpg
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Modern 3D graphics never have the same impact on me as the traditional drawn artist's impression with their combination of inspired guesswork and knowledge. They look less polished yet are often more emotive and give you a better feel and its fun to see how far the inspired guesses were correct or not compared to the real thing.

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