Face hugger can't deal with Rick Sanchez.


Senior Member
3 June 2011
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I always imagined Rick was well pickled but not to this level burrrppp
This right here was better and more coherent than Covenant.
SOC said:
This right here was better and more coherent than Covenant.

No kidding. Saw it Friday and it suuuuucked.
Visually excellent. Poorly acted. Poor scripting - but I think what killed this movie is Scott's plan for two more. One fits between this and Prometheus (covering what, exactly?), one fits between this and Alien. I wonder if he didn't keep coming up with ideas and then slotting them off into the other two planned films. Neomorph - pointless. Facehugger pellets at the end - how they gonna grow without eggs? Oh and a sequel novel comes out later this year - one assumes it's the continuing adventures of David, so what does that leave the Alien prequel to cover?

One hopes the international box office keeps the next two films afloat and that by the end, we have an actual coherent storyline.
sferrin said:
SOC said:
This right here was better and more coherent than Covenant.

No kidding. Saw it Friday and it suuuuucked.

Oh, I dunno. If you went into it with the proper expectations, I thought it was an ok "Alien" movie. "Prometheus" tried to be a lot more and pretty well flopped- in my view, largely due to the Genius Scientist Types being completely fargin' stooopid.
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
SOC said:
This right here was better and more coherent than Covenant.

No kidding. Saw it Friday and it suuuuucked.

Oh, I dunno. If you went into it with the proper expectations, I thought it was an ok "Alien" movie. "Prometheus" tried to be a lot more and pretty well flopped- in my view, largely due to the Genius Scientist Types being completely fargin' stooopid.

Considering the canon, finding out that a robot from Earth created the Aliens was definitely a "WTF?" moment. Where was the Alien queen?
sferrin said:
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
SOC said:
This right here was better and more coherent than Covenant.

No kidding. Saw it Friday and it suuuuucked.

Oh, I dunno. If you went into it with the proper expectations, I thought it was an ok "Alien" movie. "Prometheus" tried to be a lot more and pretty well flopped- in my view, largely due to the Genius Scientist Types being completely fargin' stooopid.

Considering the canon, finding out that a robot from Earth created the Aliens was definitely a "WTF?" moment. Where was the Alien queen?

Well there's the premise for at least one of the next two movies.

I wish they'd find some clever crew members though because jeeeeez. :eek:
sferrin said:
Considering the canon, finding out that a robot from Earth created the Aliens was definitely a "WTF?" moment. Where was the Alien queen?

Depends on who defines the canon. The queen, after all, was James Camerons invention, and Ridly Scott ain't bound to that. The alien in the first movie reproduced by snatching people (such as Brett and Captain Dallas) and turning *them* into eggs which would produce facehuggers. It's an inefficient system... takes two humans to make one baby alien. But "Alien" wasn't about efficiency, it was about "Whelp, I don't think I'll sleep again anytime soon."



No, "Alien: Covenant" ain't no "Alien." Nothing is, or ever will be. The first Hollywood hack who decides that it needs to be remade needs to be dropped into a hole.
Just a misunderstood species


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Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
Considering the canon, finding out that a robot from Earth created the Aliens was definitely a "WTF?" moment. Where was the Alien queen?

Depends on who defines the canon. The queen, after all, was James Camerons invention, and Ridly Scott ain't bound to that.

I thought Cameron lifted the Alien Queen from "Starship Troopers" a bit like he lifted "The Terminator" from some of
Harlan Ellison's works.

It's a real pity that Dan O'Bannon wasn't much involved in any of the Alien sequels; his original treatment of "Alien", "STARBEAST"
deserves to be made in and of itself.
Let's face it ;D

Alien, a Sci-fi Masterpiece
Aliens, a Sci-fi Masterpiece of a Action Movie
Alien3, was brave attempt for a fatalistic Depressing Sci-Fi movie
Alien4, ehh WTF ?!

Prometheus, a attempt of Sci-fi Masterpiece, who nobody satisfied and left too much open question.
Alien: Covenant, a attempt of Sci-fi Masterpiece, were no one wanted this answer...

Ridley Scott de-mystified his own Alien mythos...
Hell, i had expected that greedy manager at 20 Century Fox would do that, not the Master it self !
Will Neill Blomkamp ever got this chance to do Alien5 ?
Covenant was a big disappointment to me as well. :'(
No real thrill like in the original one.
And how stupid can somebody be, to land on an unexplored planet without a suit for basic bio-hazard protection? !!
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
Considering the canon, finding out that a robot from Earth created the Aliens was definitely a "WTF?" moment. Where was the Alien queen?

Depends on who defines the canon. The queen, after all, was James Camerons invention, and Ridly Scott ain't bound to that. The alien in the first movie reproduced by snatching people (such as Brett and Captain Dallas) and turning *them* into eggs which would produce facehuggers.

Good point. I'd seen that scene years ago and forgotten all about it. Still, considering the Aliens have a lot in common with insects (there are real "chest bursters" in the insect world") the Queen concept makes sense.
marauder2048 said:
Orionblamblam said:
sferrin said:
Considering the canon, finding out that a robot from Earth created the Aliens was definitely a "WTF?" moment. Where was the Alien queen?

Depends on who defines the canon. The queen, after all, was James Camerons invention, and Ridly Scott ain't bound to that.

I thought Cameron lifted the Alien Queen from "Starship Troopers" a bit like he lifted "The Terminator" from some of
Harlan Ellison's works.

Which Harlan Ellison piece? ("I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" needs to be made into a movie.)
sferrin said:
Which Harlan Ellison piece? ("I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" needs to be made into a movie.)

Terminator is "loosely based" on TV script "Soldier" that Harlan Ellison wrote for The Outer Limits in 1964...
Michel Van said:
sferrin said:
Which Harlan Ellison piece? ("I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" needs to be made into a movie.)

Terminator is "loosely based" on TV script "Soldier" that Harlan Ellison wrote for The Outer Limits in 1964...

Also "Demon With A Glass Hand." Put the two together and you can definitely see "Terminator."
marauder2048 said:
I thought Cameron lifted the Alien Queen from "Starship Troopers"...

I first read ST well after having seen "Aliens," and was immediately struck by similarities. The whole "insect society thing" escaped me - probably because it's been done to death. But the idea was armored troops going in to battle with a commanding officer on-scene who has access to all the telemetry from each trooper, giving orders in real time; top it off with a big suit of power armor facing off against an insect-like opponent.

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