Looking for co-author for submarine book


Research + illustration
Senior Member
31 October 2014
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The world is in need of an up to date book on world submarines. An illustrated recognition guide type book.

I have the groundwork done and quality side profile illustration of almost every class of submarine currently in service or on order (around 80 classes!!). It's well researched and thought out.

I've written a book before (look up covert shores the story of naval special forces missions and Minisubs on Amazon) so I know the effort involved. I also know the pitfalls and some efficiency tricks to make it a lot less hard work.

What I need is a partner in crime to help write up the classes. Would get a cut of profits etc (although like all books, I don't expect to get rich, that's not why I'm doing it).

Good practice for aspiring non-fiction writers with appropriate knowledge, interest and above all else research skills.

So if you are seriously interested or know someone who might be, please let me know.

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