Restoring American Power - Proposed US Military changes - rev 1 (Sen McCain)


Interested 3rd party
14 December 2015
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The maneuvering begins.

"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"


This paper seeks to provide actionable recommendations on the national defense budget for the new Administration and the Congress. Thus, the scope of this paper is limited to the next five years (Fiscal Years 2018 to 2022)."


There's some interesting stuff in here.

Would like to see the Navy/USMC "high/low" mix include the USGS. Increased amphib/small surface combatant production levels could involve moving some capability to the USGS. One could make a case that 16 F-35B's on a large deck amphib (especially if they get NGJ capability soon) are as effective as at least 1/2 a CVN w/F-18's. Basically "distributed lethality".

Like the idea of increased SSN production. I would like to see the life span reduced to 20+5 years though. If tech dev increases, renovating a boat will make less sense than building a new block upgrade boat. Especially if production rates are 3 or 4 per year. Increasing production actually makes the boat cheaper.

Increasing the USMC makes sense. It's not expensive either. There is capacity for additional amphib builds immediately. A lot of "bang for the buck". Ramp up 53K & 130J production. All good ideas to increase readiness. I think the Marine F-35B and big-deck #'s should be increased. Marines 35B's should get AETP engine first, ASAP.

The verbiage about reduction of F-35 total production targets is just dumb. It just makes the jet more expensive because others (Canada etc) have more FUD (fear, uncertainty & doubt) to not purchase these jets. Increase production and keep working on block upgrades. Modify F-35 like Mercedes modifies their 300 series cars. Basically block upgrades to a great base design. Ordering a bunch of F-18's doesn't make sense. Boeing can only make 2 per month. They've already got a multi-year order from overseas. Even if they increase production it's going to take years to get 74 F-18's out of them. Certainly not in 5 years. Idiocy. Order 16 Growlers only. It's going to be even worse if the F-18 wins the Indian competition and Boeing moves production there. These people stuck on F-18's - get over it already.

"The F-22 fleet is also impressive, but small. And the aircraft’s high unit cost and older technology means that restarting production is not the best way to counter future threats to U.S. air superiority." I wonder if McCain read the F-22 production restart report already. Anyone see any news on that yet?

I truly don't get this "high/low" fighter fleet mentality. Who's going to decide when the "low" capability fighters are used? And what is meant by low capability? If it's not a sensor/shooter then where does it fit in the new "connected" military? Counter-terrorism and CAS? If it's CAS in permissive environments then put up more drones or keep a bomb truck up. Make the ground units more lethal with a new combo version of the XM25, unit drones and other tools. Build a "new" A-10 if that is the benchmark - a new small bomb truck - not a light fighter.

McCain makes a case for how bureaucratic the Army is - the failed acquisition programs etc. The Army needs to figure out how to be more lethal. Perhaps Mattis will help them focus.


Restoring American Power is as much about state-craft as it is DoD. Wish McCain would have addressed at least the need to need to enhance the depth of people at State. Also would like to see the USIA be re-engaged in a "yuge, beautiful" way.

"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"

Sorry, but a nation that is so geared for (National Security State & Military Industrial/Congressional Complex) and been fighting a strategy of perpetual war can't go on for ever, and blaming the Obama administration is just a ridiculous political neglect of America's financial demise.

Saying this, IMO, the United States (politically and militarily) has to get over its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of the 'ism's' - Communism, Socialism, Muslims and of course "Terrorism!!!"

I would hope that the United States would stop antagonising and attempt to isolate Russia.

Yes, the United States should be concerned with the PRC. But it needs to seriously study and learn China's history, to see and understand China, and its resentment of being dictated too and isolated! One seriously need to understand that the Chinese haven't forgotten the United States use and abuse of its foreign policy power over China (along with The Eight-Nation Alliance Japanese, Russian, Italian, German, French, Britain and Austrian)... Boxer Rebellion....etc....
On top of this is the United States schizophrenic attitude of its business/corporate using Chinese cheap labour for ridiculous profits, while in political and military terms the United States they demonise the PRC as an adversary - as I said schizophrenic :eek:

Ok, what I would really like to see is the ridiculous waist of millions...billions of dollars on weapons/weapons platforms, which are continuously ....almost predictably cancelled because they are either too complex, way over budget or the given service changes its mind on its requirements! Do I have to give examples? :-[

Pioneer said:
"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"

Sorry, but a nation that is so geared for (National Security State & Military Industrial/Congressional Complex) and been fighting a strategy of perpetual war can't go on for ever, and blaming the Obama administration is just a ridiculous political neglect of America's financial demise.

Saying this, IMO, the United States (politically and militarily) has to get over its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of the 'ism's' - Communism, Socialism, Muslims and of course "Terrorism!!!"

I would hope that the United States would stop antagonising and attempt to isolate Russia.

Yes, the United States should be concerned with the PRC. But it needs to seriously study and learn China's history, to see and understand China, and its resentment of being dictated too and isolated! One seriously need to understand that the Chinese haven't forgotten the United States use and abuse of its foreign policy power over China (along with The Eight-Nation Alliance Japanese, Russian, Italian, German, French, Britain and Austrian)... Boxer Rebellion....etc....
On top of this is the United States schizophrenic attitude of its business/corporate using Chinese cheap labour for ridiculous profits, while in political and military terms the United States they demonise the PRC as an adversary - as I said schizophrenic :eek:

Ok, what I would really like to see is the ridiculous waist of millions...billions of dollars on weapons/weapons platforms, which are continuously ....almost predictably cancelled because they are either too complex, way over budget or the given service changes its mind on its requirements! Do I have to give examples? :-[

Howard? Noam? Is that you? ;)
Pioneer said:
"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"

Sorry, but a nation that is so geared for (National Security State & Military Industrial/Congressional Complex) and been fighting a strategy of perpetual war can't go on for ever, and blaming the Obama administration is just a ridiculous political neglect of America's financial demise.

Saying this, IMO, the United States (politically and militarily) has to get over its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of the 'ism's' - Communism, Socialism, Muslims and of course "Terrorism!!!"

I would hope that the United States would stop antagonising and attempt to isolate Russia.

Judas. Have you even been paying attention to what Russia and China are up to with their military forces, particularly their nuclear forces?
sferrin said:
Pioneer said:
"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"

Sorry, but a nation that is so geared for (National Security State & Military Industrial/Congressional Complex) and been fighting a strategy of perpetual war can't go on for ever, and blaming the Obama administration is just a ridiculous political neglect of America's financial demise.

Saying this, IMO, the United States (politically and militarily) has to get over its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of the 'ism's' - Communism, Socialism, Muslims and of course "Terrorism!!!"

I would hope that the United States would stop antagonising and attempt to isolate Russia.

Judas. Have you even been paying attention to what Russia and China are up to with their military forces, particularly their nuclear forces?

So? They are seeking to secure themselves from American aggression (in their view), just your seeking to secure the USA from Russian/Chinese aggression.

In reality, it's a zero-sum game. All that happens is that you and they sink squillions into a security blanket which you hope and pray will never be used.

It would be more sensible to sit down and actually discuss the issues and work out a solution over a conference table than threatening each other with more nuclear weapons.
sferrin said:
Pioneer said:
"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"

Sorry, but a nation that is so geared for (National Security State & Military Industrial/Congressional Complex) and been fighting a strategy of perpetual war can't go on for ever, and blaming the Obama administration is just a ridiculous political neglect of America's financial demise.

Saying this, IMO, the United States (politically and militarily) has to get over its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of the 'ism's' - Communism, Socialism, Muslims and of course "Terrorism!!!"

I would hope that the United States would stop antagonising and attempt to isolate Russia.

Judas. Have you even been paying attention to what Russia and China are up to with their military forces, particularly their nuclear forces?

Judas ha ha, thanks mate ;)
I don't want to detract from NeilChapman interesting subject, but....
When Gorbachev admitted an end to the Cold War, Bush assured him that the United States/NATO would not spread its tentacles into the former Warsaw Pact/Soviet Union countries. Gorbachev made it explicitly clear that there will always remain sceptics in Russian political/military power who would see this as provocation - a threat through the traditional corridors of invading Russia! 'Yep yep no worries Gorby' was the American reply......a decade or two later, and America's hegemony of being the 'winner of the Cold War' - and thus the only super power, thought its self within its own right to totally and utterly disregard this agreement - initiating Russian traditional paranoia. Russia, for all intent and purposes financially broke, saw and continues to see nuclear deterrent as a cost effective deterrent against what it sees and perceives as U.S. lead isolationism of Russia!
As for China, if America couldn't see its collusion and enthusiastic investment in PRC, full disclosure of the latest technology for mass manufacturing in PRC for stupendous profits its couldn't dream of in America, when Nixon and Kissinger onwards kissed PRC's Communist Party, then you'll never get it sferrin! How is it that the United States so astutely denied the Soviet's Western technology, and yet American business/corporations sold they're arses, and America in the process! sferrin how many trillions of $$$$ does the United States owe the PRC, just so it can fight its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of Terrorism????
Borrowing trillions of $$$ to fight bogus/phantom enemies....dude, the PRC are happy to encourage the United States to bleed itself dry on its superficial new world order crusade! Oh, and the PRC's nuclear force? Still no where near the size or capability of that of the United States....And if the United States is so naïve to that its willing to neglect its nuclear arsenal to chase and fight bogus/phantom enemies, then whose the fools?

The fact that the United States has been so stupid to push the PRC and Russia together to oppose its actions and isolation, would make me laugh if it wasn't so dumb!

It would be more sensible to sit down and actually discuss the issues and work out a solution over a conference table than threatening each other with more nuclear weapons.

Yeah, exactly what you'd expect the self-proclaimed champions of democracy and liberty to do, wouldn't you think? :-[

If you want to avoid topic lock please stick to discussion of senator McCain's proposals.....and Sferrin can take a break over the Judas comment.
I live in Arizona so I'm familiar with McCain. He seems to be a Rino to me. He calls Trump supporters "crazy", which insulted about half of all hardworking Americans. Trump seems to want better relations with Russia which sounds great. Russian military developments are alarming but have reflected the Obama/Bush/McCain demonization of Russia. At some point better relations with Russia could have great benefits. The true economic and military challenge to the the US is going to be China. McCain is simply serving the same military/corporate groups he has all along. Yeah, we need a real A-10 replacement and a "low" end fighter (both of which we should have already had in the F-35) and disagree with McCain supporting ISIS by wanting a proxy war with Russia in Syria. Overall I don't like where he's going. Short term thinking while trying to scare the public. Supporting wrong programs that were costly and ultimately not funding or supporting programs that are badly needed like basic replacement of equipment to the armed forces. McCain's world view has weakened our military. Trump has some good people in there now that actually want positive changes toward real defense, and McCain will be exposed. Proposals seem to make some sense by focusing on affordable and realistic solutions but are too little too late.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
If you want to avoid topic lock please stick to discussion of senator McCain's proposals.....and Sferrin can take a break over the Judas comment.

Thanks for keeping an eye on the discourse.
NeilChapman said:
Would like to see the Navy/USMC "high/low" mix include the USGS. Increased amphib/small surface combatant production levels could involve moving some capability to the USGS. One could make a case that 16 F-35B's on a large deck amphib (especially if they get NGJ capability soon) are as effective as at least 1/2 a CVN w/F-18's. Basically "distributed lethality".

Neil, could you tell me what the USGS acronym stands for? I couldn't find it in the PDF.
Pioneer said:
"...halting the accumulated damage done during the Obama administration through decreasing force size, depleted readiness, deferred modernization, and sustained high operational tempo"

Sorry, but a nation that is so geared for (National Security State & Military Industrial/Congressional Complex) and been fighting a strategy of perpetual war can't go on for ever, and blaming the Obama administration is just a ridiculous political neglect of America's financial demise.

Saying this, IMO, the United States (politically and militarily) has to get over its self-made and imposed psychopathic phobia of the 'ism's' - Communism, Socialism, Muslims and of course "Terrorism!!!"

I would hope that the United States would stop antagonising and attempt to isolate Russia.

The Russian government is an authoritarian, managed democracy. Their actions result in their isolation.

Pioneer said:
Yes, the United States should be concerned with the PRC. But it needs to seriously study and learn China's history, to see and understand China, and its resentment of being dictated too and isolated! One seriously need to understand that the Chinese haven't forgotten the United States use and abuse of its foreign policy power over China (along with The Eight-Nation Alliance Japanese, Russian, Italian, German, French, Britain and Austrian)... Boxer Rebellion....etc....
On top of this is the United States schizophrenic attitude of its business/corporate using Chinese cheap labour for ridiculous profits, while in political and military terms the United States they demonise the PRC as an adversary - as I said schizophrenic :eek:

Ok, what I would really like to see is the ridiculous waist of millions...billions of dollars on weapons/weapons platforms, which are continuously ....almost predictably cancelled because they are either too complex, way over budget or the given service changes its mind on its requirements! Do I have to give examples? :-[


The people of mainland China are not in charge. The PRC is run by 88 million members of the CPC. Many expect the PRC's actions with a lack of US response, will lead to localized hegemonic regions which will likely reverse positive changes in world trajectory - such as reduced undernourishment and poverty.

It's probably likely you disagree with that but history tells us that people can perform horrendous actions with catastrophic results on the rest of the world. I expect Sen. McCain, having lived his early years during WWII has a visceral understanding of that fact. He's seen the US military downsize after WWII then struggle in Korea, downsize after Korea and struggle in Vietnam. The cycle repeats. This will sound corny but I expect he's doing what he thinks is best with a patriots heart.

That doesn't mean I agree with him. I would give McCain a little more credit then to premise your argument on "the US doesn't understand China."

Re: wasted billions. Chalk that up to the inefficiencies of bureaucracies. DoD is a money pit I agree. Some services seem to do a better job than others. The Marine Corps is fairly efficient. The Navy, not so much. B-21 program seems to have the right formula. F-35 was done the old way, attempting to leapfrog tech dev. That clearly doesn't work. I'm not in favor of the Columbia-class SSBN's. Seems a waste of money to me. I'd make a case to build more SSN's and new missiles for the VPTs.

You don't have to do much reading to recognize that the US military is in probably as bad a shape as when Carter left office. For example, mission-capable rates for aircraft are in the toilet for lack of spare parts and just worn out airframes. A lot of work will need to be done just to get US forces to meet the existing National Military Strategy. I expect that is what McCain is hoping to accomplish.

Thanks for your thoughts.
kcran567 said:
I live in Arizona so I'm familiar with McCain. He seems to be a Rino to me. He calls Trump supporters "crazy", which insulted about half of all hardworking Americans.

Recall that Sen McCain was expecting a tough re-election battle.

kcran567 said:
Trump seems to want better relations with Russia which sounds great. Russian military developments are alarming but have reflected the Obama/Bush/McCain demonization of Russia. At some point better relations with Russia could have great benefits. The true economic and military challenge to the the US is going to be China. McCain is simply serving the same military/corporate groups he has all along. Yeah, we need a real A-10 replacement and a "low" end fighter (both of which we should have already had in the F-35) and disagree with McCain supporting ISIS by wanting a proxy war with Russia in Syria. Overall I don't like where he's going. Short term thinking while trying to scare the public. Supporting wrong programs that were costly and ultimately not funding or supporting programs that are badly needed like basic replacement of equipment to the armed forces. McCain's world view has weakened our military. Trump has some good people in there now that actually want positive changes toward real defense, and McCain will be exposed. Proposals seem to make some sense by focusing on affordable and realistic solutions but are too little too late.

You may be right. Looks like POTUS is working to separate Russia from the PRC. We'll have to see if that's true and if so, how well it works. Also, Russia is a basket case financially. They just don't have the economic power to sustain, well, anything at the moment. Things may pick up a little for them in 2017 but it's a long, hard road ahead for them.

Everything POTUS (and McCain) want to do with the military requires structural improvement in the US economy. It's all moot if that doesn't happen.
starviking said:
NeilChapman said:
Would like to see the Navy/USMC "high/low" mix include the USGS. Increased amphib/small surface combatant production levels could involve moving some capability to the USGS. One could make a case that 16 F-35B's on a large deck amphib (especially if they get NGJ capability soon) are as effective as at least 1/2 a CVN w/F-18's. Basically "distributed lethality".

Neil, could you tell me what the USGS acronym stands for? I couldn't find it in the PDF.

Sure. US Geological Service. But what I meant to write was USCG - United States Coast Guard. That probably makes more sense to you. Sorry about that.

Folks don't think about the Coast Guard too often. It actually has quite an expansive authority. It's jurisdiction includes both domestic and international waters. Also has unique latitude in maritime law enforcement based on its original mission of enforcing tariff laws and preventing smuggling. Ask anyone that's been boarded by them in the middle of the night.

So, much as the US military relies on the National Guard, I'd like to see amphib/small surface combatant capability extended into the USCG. This would include HA/DR missions around the world. The USCG 14th District boundaries include the Hawaiian Islands and most of the Central and Western Pacific with units stretched between Singapore, Japan and Hawaii.
NeilChapman said:
starviking said:
NeilChapman said:
Would like to see the Navy/USMC "high/low" mix include the USGS. Increased amphib/small surface combatant production levels could involve moving some capability to the USGS. One could make a case that 16 F-35B's on a large deck amphib (especially if they get NGJ capability soon) are as effective as at least 1/2 a CVN w/F-18's. Basically "distributed lethality".

Neil, could you tell me what the USGS acronym stands for? I couldn't find it in the PDF.

Sure. US Geological Service. But what I meant to write was USCG - United States Coast Guard. That probably makes more sense to you. Sorry about that.

Folks don't think about the Coast Guard too often. It actually has quite an expansive authority. It's jurisdiction includes both domestic and international waters. Also has unique latitude in maritime law enforcement based on its original mission of enforcing tariff laws and preventing smuggling. Ask anyone that's been boarded by them in the middle of the night.

So, much as the US military relies on the National Guard, I'd like to see amphib/small surface combatant capability extended into the USCG. This would include HA/DR missions around the world. The USCG 14th District boundaries include the Hawaiian Islands and most of the Central and Western Pacific with units stretched between Singapore, Japan and Hawaii.

Thanks Neil! Makes much more sense to me now.

I have to wonder how the USCG personnel would feel about being more directly involved with warfighting, or are we talking about something more akin to how the UK Royal Fleet Auxilliary operates a significant part of the Royal Navy's amphibious ships?
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Sferrin can take a break over the Judas comment.

Wait, what? "Judas" is a common enough exclamation of exasperation, not an insult. Sometimes it's "Judas Priest," said in the same way someone might say "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus Tapdancing Christ" or "Jeebus Cripes" or "FFS" or "frak me" or "oy vey" or whatever. I've heard "Judas" rather more commonly since I moved to Utah because, y'know, Mormons and such.
starviking said:
NeilChapman said:
starviking said:
NeilChapman said:
Would like to see the Navy/USMC "high/low" mix include the USGS. Increased amphib/small surface combatant production levels could involve moving some capability to the USGS. One could make a case that 16 F-35B's on a large deck amphib (especially if they get NGJ capability soon) are as effective as at least 1/2 a CVN w/F-18's. Basically "distributed lethality".

Neil, could you tell me what the USGS acronym stands for? I couldn't find it in the PDF.

Sure. US Geological Service. But what I meant to write was USCG - United States Coast Guard. That probably makes more sense to you. Sorry about that.

Folks don't think about the Coast Guard too often. It actually has quite an expansive authority. It's jurisdiction includes both domestic and international waters. Also has unique latitude in maritime law enforcement based on its original mission of enforcing tariff laws and preventing smuggling. Ask anyone that's been boarded by them in the middle of the night.

So, much as the US military relies on the National Guard, I'd like to see amphib/small surface combatant capability extended into the USCG. This would include HA/DR missions around the world. The USCG 14th District boundaries include the Hawaiian Islands and most of the Central and Western Pacific with units stretched between Singapore, Japan and Hawaii.

Thanks Neil! Makes much more sense to me now.

I have to wonder how the USCG personnel would feel about being more directly involved with warfighting, or are we talking about something more akin to how the UK Royal Fleet Auxilliary operates a significant part of the Royal Navy's amphibious ships?

They are Lions. Also, the USCG can be transferred to the Navy by POTUS at any time or by Congress during war. May as well build their ships to greater survivability standards and give them more capability. I like the 4500T National Security Cutters but would like to see the USCG receive more lethal capabilities.
Orionblamblam said:
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Sferrin can take a break over the Judas comment.

Wait, what? "Judas" is a common enough exclamation of exasperation, not an insult. Sometimes it's "Judas Priest," said in the same way someone might say "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus Tapdancing Christ" or "Jeebus Cripes" or "FFS" or "frak me" or "oy vey" or whatever. I've heard "Judas" rather more commonly since I moved to Utah because, y'know, Mormons and such.

Maybe. It was totally unnecessary in the context of the post.

Dictionary Definition:
a person treacherous enough to betray a friend; traitor.
Russia and the PRC have been "separated" since the 1950s when Mao and Khrushchev fell out over the denunciation over Stalin and then in the 1960s, over the Cultural Revolution. At no point have they agreed ideologically since. The Russians' Eastern Frontier with the PRC is heavily fortified and remains so. The Russians fear the idea of an expansionist China. To suggest that they are somehow in league is ludicrous.

Trump's Foreign Policy plans appear, at least initially, to be quite insane. He is playing to his domestic audience and it shows. Their paranoia and fear of the world is palpable. Despite Muslims Terrorism killing so few Americans and causing relatively little actual disruption to American society, American society seems terrified at the idea of Muslim Terrorists, despite none coming into the US as refugees. I'm willing to accept that Trump may be smarter than he initially appears but I wonder if he'll be anything other than a one-term President. His efforts to try and bring Putin into the fold are admirable but I wonder if Putin is worth the effort? Russia is a wreck economically, with everything centred on one man and his coterie of associates. Once Putin leaves the scene, where does that leave Russia?

Trumps efforts against China appear amateurish and even childish. I am quite willing to reserve judgement on that aspects of his Presidency. His efforts to place the United States central to his foreign policy are interesting. I do know he's pissed off my Prime Minister and as far as I am concerned, thats admirable.
NeilChapman said:
starviking said:
NeilChapman said:
starviking said:
NeilChapman said:
Would like to see the Navy/USMC "high/low" mix include the USGS. Increased amphib/small surface combatant production levels could involve moving some capability to the USGS. One could make a case that 16 F-35B's on a large deck amphib (especially if they get NGJ capability soon) are as effective as at least 1/2 a CVN w/F-18's. Basically "distributed lethality".

Neil, could you tell me what the USGS acronym stands for? I couldn't find it in the PDF.

Sure. US Geological Service. But what I meant to write was USCG - United States Coast Guard. That probably makes more sense to you. Sorry about that.

Folks don't think about the Coast Guard too often. It actually has quite an expansive authority. It's jurisdiction includes both domestic and international waters. Also has unique latitude in maritime law enforcement based on its original mission of enforcing tariff laws and preventing smuggling. Ask anyone that's been boarded by them in the middle of the night.

So, much as the US military relies on the National Guard, I'd like to see amphib/small surface combatant capability extended into the USCG. This would include HA/DR missions around the world. The USCG 14th District boundaries include the Hawaiian Islands and most of the Central and Western Pacific with units stretched between Singapore, Japan and Hawaii.

Thanks Neil! Makes much more sense to me now.

I have to wonder how the USCG personnel would feel about being more directly involved with warfighting, or are we talking about something more akin to how the UK Royal Fleet Auxilliary operates a significant part of the Royal Navy's amphibious ships?

They are Lions. Also, the USCG can be transferred to the Navy by POTUS at any time or by Congress during war. May as well build their ships to greater survivability standards and give them more capability. I like the 4500T National Security Cutters but would like to see the USCG receive more lethal capabilities.

You seem to be seeking a more warfighting function for what is essentially a naval police force. I also wonder what the USCG might think about such a fundamental change to its raison de' entre?
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Maybe. It was totally unnecessary in the context of the post.

??? Read in context, it was no more than "oy vey."

Dictionary Definition:
a person treacherous enough to betray a friend; traitor.


Orionblamblam said:
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
Maybe. It was totally unnecessary in the context of the post.

??? Read in context, it was no more than "oy vey."

Dictionary Definition:
a person treacherous enough to betray a friend; traitor.


Orion - Hopefully I'm not putting you on the spot but you're a space specialist. McCains paper offers only a paragraph about this sphere. Writing "For decades, the U.S. military has assumed that space was a sanctuary. No more. Near-peer competitors such as Russia and China are developing military capabilities explicitly to deny U.S. forces the use of space, including by targeting our satellites."

Do you have any thoughts on where this might be going or what programs, if any, are in the pipeline?

NeilChapman said:
Do you have any thoughts on where this might be going or what programs, if any, are in the pipeline?

In the *US* pipeline? If recent years (say, the last 40 of 'em) are any guide, damn near nothing that will actually come to pass as an intended program. There is always work going on to design the Next Great Reusable Rapid Reaction Launch System... just as there has been for about as long as I've been alive, with little to show for it. However, there may be a lot of systems sort of sneaking up that'll do the job... SpaceX for space launch and various smallsat/nanosat technologies to replace military satellites that "near-peers" are or will be soon able to take out at will.

Space is currently used for recon, communications and navigation. So far as anyone knows, it is not used for weapons, and there's no evidence that that's going to change anytime soon for the US. SpaceX and Blue Origin *may* be able to provide the ability to reasonably rapidly replace satellites used for recon, comms and nav. The X-37 seems to be related to that, though what advantage it would actually provide in wartime is unclear.

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