
ACCESS: Secret
11 March 2009
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Immagine that Richard Nixon instead of JFK was elected President of United States in November 1960,and that Alan Shepard was the first man in space (but not in orbit) in Febraury 1961.
Two events that could happen.
In this scenario,if President Nixon not consider necessary a manned mission on the moon,how could take place the US space program in 1960s?
I have found that the original NASA program,before the moon decision,was Mercury missions until 1964,and orbital Apollo capsule from 1965 (with rendez vous,two week flights and EVA experiments as in the Gemini program).
From 1968 circa a Saturn 1B derived space station and a lunar flyby in 1970.
Is possible also a continuation of Dyna Soar X-20 as test spaceplane in order to acquire data for a some type of shuttle in 70s?



A lunar flyby departing from a LEO space station in the early 70's.

Hey Carmelo, you should read this and become a member of forums. There are a bunch of (cool) space uchronias right there.
Hi Archibald

i think this belong into Alternate History section of this Forum !

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the story begin in early 1940 Sergei Pavlovich Korolev dies whilst being recalled from the notorious Soviet gulag of Kolyma.
very interesting story

Original Apollo was for low orbital mission and fly by mission to Moon
Martin, GD, GE and NAA proposed Apollo consist of Servis module Manned Return capsule/lifting Body and Laboratory module for three Astronauts
but in our Timeline Kennedy came "We shall go to Moon" and Apollo Laboratory module drop out design fast...
carmelo said:
Is possible also a continuation of Dyna Soar X-20 as test spaceplane in order to acquire data for a some type of shuttle in 70s?

No, the same reasons would still kill the program
Byeman said:
carmelo said:
Is possible also a continuation of Dyna Soar X-20 as test spaceplane in order to acquire data for a some type of shuttle in 70s?

No, the same reasons would still kill the program

That's very likely to happen, because Boeing was very slow in development of Dyna Soar
it's start in 1957 and was canceled in 1963 planned was drop test in 64/65 and first orbital flight in 67/68
other issue was on Dyna Soar a lack of a clear goal for the project.
original it had to be for aerial reconnaissance, bombing, space rescue, satellite maintenance, and as a space interceptor to sabotage enemy satellites.
during it 6 year program it lost one by one it goals and reduce to a experimental spaceplane for USAF...
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