Pakistan threatens to buy Russian or Chinese jets


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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"Pakistan threatens to buy Russian or Chinese jets in spat with US"
by Farhan Bokhari in Islamabad and Victor Mallet in New Delhi
May 4, 2016

Triton said:
"Pakistan threatens to buy Russian or Chinese jets in spat with US"
by Farhan Bokhari in Islamabad and Victor Mallet in New Delhi
May 4, 2016


The article is sitting behind a pay wall.

As you will be aware Pakistan already buys fighters from China, and an eventual J-10 purchase has been long rumoured.
Despite it close relationship with India, Russia has already sold military equipment to Pakistan such as helicopters and (indirectly via China) the engines for its joint fighter project with China.

In this context would be interesting to see if Russia would actually sell Su-30 derivatives to Pakistan, and what that would indicate about the state of Russia's relationship with India (threat of a such a sale a way for Russia to put pressure on India re: their version of the T-50?).

And then again China could always sell Pakistan its "all Chinese" Flanker derivatives (which could cause friction with Russia).

And then again could all be a bluff by Pakistan to get a few more F-16s...... :)
China will not be selling any flanker variants to anyone, including Pakistan. That's the deal they've made with Russia.

Options left to Pakistan are more jf17 instead, which is something they could do at any time but wanting a larger plane as well is benefitial, hence f16. So i'd say even without future f16 they will still want to add something else alongside their jf17.

Chinese J10 is an option, especially now that we're seeing it more and more often flown with chinese engine. It might be just a few years away.

Mig29m is also an option, with the ruble as low as it is - it's a cheap option and offers some commonality with engines (jf17 and mig29 both sharing same family of engine)

Modern flankers are possible but they're also more expensive (possibly more than j10, even with the low ruble).

There might be more options a decade down the road but its too far away to talk about them.

In my opinion, it's a fight between mig29m and some export variant of j10.

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