Chelomey Suborbital Troop Carrier/Recon Spaceplane


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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In the book; Десантные планеры Сталина 1930-1955 гг. "С неба - в бой!"

here is a strange Glider project,maybe after WW2,can anyone ID it ?.


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two of many Chelomey spaceplane projects. suborbital troop carrier and recon vehicles
flateric said:
two of many Chelomey spaceplane projects. suborbital troop carrier and recon vehicles

Troop carrier? Interesting. Early "Hot Eagle." Any details on how it was supposed to operate? Did it just drop troops in, or did it also have some return capability?
flateric said:
two of many Chelomey spaceplane projects. suborbital troop carrier and recon vehicles

From what year was that project and it's name ?
Thank you my dear Flateric,

and so weird,they put this spacecraft in a book about Russian assault glider transport ?.
I had read about an suborbital paratroop/bomber design inspired by Sangers WW2 work, but never seen any images.

I found this referring to a 'Hypersonic Glider/Bomber' potentially under development between 58-62 (Along with more conventional designs)
flateric said:
two of many Chelomey spaceplane projects. suborbital troop carrier and recon vehicles

I understand recon or dropping bombs but that is a lot of technology to land a few soldiers.
Riverghost said:

I believe the author here is *really* confused:
"Working independently of the Peenemunde ballistic missile people, Sanger had prepared plan for the use of a V-2 rocket as a second stage for a boost-glide manned vehicle..."

The author seems to be conflating Sangers Silverbird with the Peenemunde A-9/A-10. These people almost certainly never crossed paths during the war.
Orionblamblam said:
The author seems to be conflating Sangers Silverbird with the Peenemunde A-9/A-10. These people almost certainly never crossed paths during the war.

Whats more worrying is its an actual US military publication! but i do think the guys did meet.

According to Astronautix file on Sanger

Saenger attends hypersonics conference at Peenemuende. - . Nation: Germany. Related Persons: von Braun; Saenger. Summary: Reciprocating his visit to Saenger's Trauen facility earlier in the year, Von Braun obtains permission for Saenger to attend a hypersonics symposium at Peenemuende..
On the third image from the right, I see a resemblance to the Dyna-Soar sitting atop a booster (left drawing).
Here is a google translation of the book's title:

Landing gliders of Stalin 1930-1955 "From the sky - into battle!"
Desantnyye planery Stalina 1930-1955 gg. "S neba - v boy!"
Proton might have been enough of a thump if it were launched to Europe….don’t know what it would have overflown in that direction. That was to come later…

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