Fritz Gabriel V-shape Combat Aircraft


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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I found this strange concept for fighter aircraft patent,created by Fritz Gabriel,,the two airplanes
are odd,but the V-shape design was so weird.


  • zeitschrift-flugsport-1943 Fritz Gabriel.png
    zeitschrift-flugsport-1943 Fritz Gabriel.png
    5.8 KB · Views: 205
Dear Hesham,

I don't thinks those are fighters in the modern sense of the word.

The pictures suggest that the patent is about optimising the fields of fire for defensive gunners (i.e. relevant to bombers, recon, or transports).

Made me think of this:,7594.msg167735.html#msg167735
German Text
iL 99n9 Pat 736 071 v. 8. 12. 35, veröff. 7. U 6 43 Fritz Gabriel, Berlin-Wilmersdorf.

Kampfflugzeug mit Tragflügelendgondeln.

Kampfflugzeug mit an den Enden der Tragflügel angeordneten, über ihre Flächen hinausragenden Gefechtsständen, die mit beweglichen,
vorzugsweise quer zur Flugrichtung feuernden Waffen bestückt sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Gefechtsstände als endscheibenartige,
mit Geräten, evtl. auch mit Ruder- und gegebenenfalls mit Triebwerksteuereinrichtungen oder Triebwerkeinheiten ausgerüstete Gondeln ausgebildet sind,
deren Bewaffnung so angeordnet ist, daß mit dieser je ein quer zur Längssymmetrieebene des Flugzeuges befindliches,
keine toten Winkel enthaltendes, mindestens Halbkugelschußfeld bestreichbar ist.

try on English
Patent 736 071 v. 8. 12. 35, publish 7. U 6 43 (june 1943 ? ) by Fritz Gabriel, Berlin-Wilmersdorf:

Combat aircraft with Wingtip gondolas.

Combat plane arranged with at the ends of the wings, combat posts extending beyond its wings surfaces, which,
with moving, preferably are fitted across the flight path firing weapons, characterized in that the combat posts as disk like,
with devices, possibly with rudder and optionally with engine control devices or engine equipped gondolas are constructed,
which arming is so arranged so that with this each one situated transversely to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the aircraft,
no blind spot containing at least hemisphere field of fire is covered
My dear Avimimus,

when I used the google translate,they mention they are a fighters,anyway the
V-shape was a new for me.
The German term "Kampfflugzeug" is used in most cases for "bomber", but sometimes
(especially in non-aviation publications) it generally stands for "combat aircraft"/"military aircraft".
Jemiba said:
The German term "Kampfflugzeug" is used in most cases for "bomber", but sometimes
(especially in non-aviation publications) it generally stands for "combat aircraft"/"military aircraft".

Thank you my dear Jemiba,for your explanation.
Maybe some relation with the Blohm-Voss P. 163 ? ...
richard said:
Maybe some relation with the Blohm-Voss P. 163 ? ...

That could be, the Left design on pic feature same fuselage but different position of two propellors at wings
while BV P.163.01 fighter bomber, feature the two motors in the fuselage with counter rotating propellors in nose of aircraft.

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