The British Nuclear Deterrent

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Given the latest row, has anyone any strong views?
Hello! Its got to be ballistic missile boats, but do we have 3 or 4? 4 keeps it on the basis we have always operated on, whereas it seems the idea of 3 is that they sit in port until we need to up the anti?

How do you train on that basis?

Are there not costs to be saved by running less missiles on each boat (even if you aren't clear on what is deployed at any one time)?
Ultimately it's going to be a question of how many missiles on each boat rather than how many boats (but for the British electorate, it's all a bit too technical).

With a recent pole suggesting 56% of the population think the deterrent should be CASD it looks like the debate over hospitals/schools versus deterrence is a hollow one.
I have to look up acronyms all the time. Sometimes I'm tempted to invent new ones :mad:
Sorry guys, it was my first post and sometimes you don't know how to pitch the initial contact. I suppose the CASD is a British issue which might not translate that well beyond the UK (although the French might have a similar acronym?)
Please don't take it personally. In my day job, I have to wade through acronym-loaded messages without people bothering to explain them. So, my pet peeve. I guess :-\
Ah, so you work for Halliburton! I used to and they have a submit-your-new-acronyms. As you can imagine we got into a spot of bother.

I wish it was limited to Halliburton. Acronym-plague is a global pandemic.

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