Canard Light Civil Aircraft


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26 May 2006
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here is two unknown canard civil light aircraft projects of 1941.

Flugsport 1941


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Never seen that one... interesting!
Can you show us the page Hesham ?
My dear Lark,

it's not pages,but some articles;
I can not make it out of the text ,but I think that both
concepts are Italian in stead of Lockheed designs..
I have seen that shape of canard before in Stefanutti designs.
Agreed, especially as the text on the linked page mentions Steffanuti by name.

Anyhow the first drawing is for a DB 601 powered single-seat fighter.
Der Entwurf (Abb. 1—2) eines Jagdeinsitzers in „Enten"-Bauart dürfte manchen Leser zu neuen Gedanken bewegen. Eine genaue Leistungsrechnung dieses Projektes (Entwurf 1939) ergab gegenüber einem modernen Jagdflugzeug in Normalbauart von gleicher Flügelfläche und gleicher Motorleistung bei Berücksichtigung der geschwindigkeits-erhöhenden Faktoren eine Steigerung der Geschwindigkeit um 60 km/h (d. h. um 10%).

Motor: DB 601, Fluggewicht G = 2200 kg, Flügelfläche Ffl-14 m2, Höhenleitwerksfläche Fl = 2,3 m2, gesamte Tragfläche F = 16,3 m2, Länge 1 = 7,6 m, Spannweite b = 8,4 m, Flächenbelastung Q/F = 135 kg/m2.
My dear lark,

if that is right,I am sorry,I used the Google translation and get this;

Although the complete clarification of the flight characteristics some experiments will be needed, however, there are generally no difficulties for the construction of a "duck" -Flugzeuges. The aircraft experiments with the built Focke-Wulf in 1927 "duck" were quite satisfactory, and a further failed probably mainly due to the unfavorable conditions at that time. Apparently -type are just in the last few years the possibilities of "duck" has been recognized in several countries; so acquired, for example, in the US, the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. in 1939 two patents on designs for "duck" type.. are indicated as the author of CL Johnson, the chief research engineer of this company, and WardW.Beman. Around the same time appeared a technical note of the NACA (Technical Notes No. 758) entitled: "Measurements and analyzes the motion of a" duck "-Flugzeuges gusts"; a proof that
Johnson did indeed get canard patents, and Lockheed even assigned a model number to a project,
the Model 27:,1633.msg13609.html#msg13609,22900.msg232264.html#msg232264

However, the text you've quoted is just a general discussion of the Ente layout, the illustrated examples are not
connected to Lockheed.
Let's not forget that for the sake of comparative studying of the competitors' submissions, Lockheed sometimes allocated them numbers within their own model number sequence! (see attachments) I'm sure this could easily be a source of mistake for the less discerning researcher (especially if they have, like me, little knowledge of Italian projects...).


  • LockheedCurtiss.jpg
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  • CL-1661-2 (Convair 200).jpg
    CL-1661-2 (Convair 200).jpg
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  • CL-1665-1 (Northrop Cobra).jpg
    CL-1665-1 (Northrop Cobra).jpg
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I urgently suggest changing the title of this thread.
Agreed ! My fear always is, that this way we could produce "projects", here
"Lockheed projects", that could remain at least in the internet forever. ::)
Not sure, if there may be a better title, or maybe post split and merged with
other threads, so, perhaps we may see changes here again in the future.
The first drawing in this thread shows a very large engine and prop in a single-seat, retractable canard design. I am not at all convinced that the intention was either particularly "light" or exclusively "civil."

but how it could be a Fighter (first drawing) ?.
The German text 'Entwurf Jagdeinsitzer in Enten-Bauart' in the image itself translates roughly to 'Design for a single-seat fighter in canard-style'.

As jcf in reply #5 has already noted, the text that follows the image describes it as a 'Jagdeinsitzer in „Enten"-Bauart' too. Weighing in at 2200kg, DB601-powered, not exactly a design for a light aircraft.

I would think the design's nose offers enough room for the installation of several guns.
Jemiba said:
Agreed ! My fear always is, that this way we could produce "projects", here
"Lockheed projects", that could remain at least in the internet forever. ::)

It is my greatest fear about this forum, too. That is why I've always been pretty intolerant to typos on the forum because whatever we publish here winds up on Google about an hour later... but even when retracted can linger on for days or weeks since it's in the site's cache files. And during that period there is ample time for other folks to find it and reproduce it elsewhere.

Several times I have seen some less discerning bloggers or webmasters reproduce mistakes they'd found here, even after these mistakes had clearly been debunked and corrected (often because the original post, like here, has never been edited to reflect the corrections). This here topic is an anomaly in itself, I can see no way to label it in a coherent and informative manner... but what I'm sure about is that the first post should NOT keep the mention that the images depict Lockheed projects.
This is not a project , just an article by RAOUL JÖRN about what could be a canard fighter : I read some years ago this Flugsport , copied it , and noted the author's name
On the site pointed by Hesham , I can't find the name of the author , but I am sure , this was Raoul Jörn , and this was only "private" thinkings about an "Ente Jäger" and a lighter test aircraft ...
Thank you my dear Richard,,

to be honest,I saw this drawing before on Internet,but now nothing at all.

I remove Lockheed name,and mention "unknown designs".

a more info about them here,but google translate is bad;

as my dear Richard specified before,it's a Projects from the engineering RAOUL JÖRN,
for a canard airplanes.'Italia/L'ALA%20D'ITALIA%201942%2003.pdf


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