Snowden documents reveal the Chinese stole 50 terabytes of F35 data


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
25 August 2012
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The Chinese allegedly stole 50 terabytes of data, including information about the fighter's detailed engine schematics, "aft deck heating contour maps," methods for cooling exhaust gases and the method the jet uses to track targets, the Morning Herald said.

(I suspect this was going to be unwelcome in the F35 news thread)
The actual report has one picture of an X-35, but most of the images and the aft-deck reference point to the B-2.
LowObservable said:
The actual report has one picture of an X-35, but most of the images and the aft-deck reference point to the B-2.

You're looking at a single powerpoint slide made by the lowest paid NSA intern and not the stolen data itself.
Well, I know that - but everything I have seen reported in the last few days appears to be based on that chart.
It appears to be a fairly lengthy list of well, everything. (THAAD, Aegis, you name it.) How do they know this is everything that was "acquired"?
"50 terabytes of data" has some shock value but your better wind tunnel will generate that in a week's worth of testing.
Why the hell does America just bend over and take these Chinese intrusions? And where is the tactic of the honey pot? But then again maybe honey pots are being used against China and the United States is just being quiet about it.
VH said:
Why the hell does America just bend over and take these Chinese intrusions? And where is the tactic of the honey pot? But then again maybe honey pots are being used against China and the United States is just being quiet about it.

Because USA and other western countries do the same. If they would raise noise for this then their own actions would be also put into the spot light. I'm sure that this is just a tip of an iceberg:
VH said:
Why the hell does America just bend over and take these Chinese intrusions? And where is the tactic of the honey pot? But then again maybe honey pots are being used against China and the United States is just being quiet about it.

I wouldn't believe everything you read in the media re things such as this. Often the facts are the first casualty...
It would seem that Snowden is a trifle annoyed at his former paymasters in Beijing.
Well, they did leave him hanging in the wind when he got stuck in Moscow en route to what he doubtless imagined would be a luxurious new life in China. Of course he quickly turned his coat yet again for sanctuary in Russia, but as damaged goods so to speak, he probably doesn't quite have as comfortable a life as he thought he would when he originally decided to sell out his country. So there's likely to be at least some ill-feelings there in my opinion.

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