AGO 1930`s projects


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25 October 2007
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got my copy of René Scheer`s book "AGO-Flugzeugwerke - Vom Gitterrumpf zur Me 262". Beyond the known Ao 192, with a good treatment of the aircraft`s development, there are some more details on the less known and often misidentified Ao 225. The book depicts a good color side view of this "bird".

Other projects from AGO`s Konstruktionsbüro led by Paul Klages are:

an all metal twin engined 1935 passenger aircraft with 8/10 seats plus crew, a mockup of it was made with a finned tail. Two photos show the "attrappe";

another passenger aircraft in the same class as the former. Two photos of a model are presented.

a sailplane tug aircraft was designed with a Zündapp engine;

a twin engined trainer with boxer engines. A mockup was made, but no photos;

a "heavy fighter" with a pusher engine, no further details available, but another "attrappe" was bulit.
Excellent my dear Wurger,

thank you to sharing us,and for the last heavy fighter project,I heard that company
had a pusher biplane fighter project,never saw the light,but to be honest,I don't
know if it was from WW1 or 1930s period ?.
Hello Friends,
its me. The author from the AGO-Flugzeugwerke book. Hope, you´ll like the book.

I´ve found this thread. So I´ll answer this question:

Dear hesham,
the pusher biplane was made in Berlin Johannisthal as AGO C I and C II and at Munich Otto-Werke as CI and CII, too. So it saw the light. See photos in my book.
The Pusher Biplane what Wurger said was developed in Oschersleben at AGO in 1938.

René Scheer
Hi René,

welcome aboard. So the 1938 pusher "heavy fighter" was a biplane?
I include here an artist`s work of the superb Ao225 made by a friend of mine, Tony Morais, based exclusively on René Scheer`s book "AGO-Flugzeugwerke - Vom Gitterrumpf zur Me 262". Comments are most welcome!


  • Ago1.jpg
    203 KB · Views: 569
Wurger said:
I include here an artist`s work of the superb Ao225 made by a friend of mine, Tony Morais, based exclusively on René Scheer`s book "AGO-Flugzeugwerke - Vom Gitterrumpf zur Me 262". Comments are most welcome!

Just amazing my dear Wurger.
The drawing is okay, but there are some mistakes.
See the inner wing and its perspective, fuselage and tail.
Thanks for the input, René, the author will rectify it. Actually I was expecting comments on the amazing aircraft project, less so on the drawing. The clever water radiator scoops under the propeller fairings, per example. No sure on the wingtips ( round? Square?)

René, would you be a sport and tell us when will you publish the 2nd edition of your great book?
The first edition runs very well- I think the publisher will made the second edition in winter '14 / spring '15.
The question on 225 and "how it works" is already answered in my book ;)
Hi guys,

I just knew that there will be no 2nd edition of René`s book, unfortunatelly. I guess we will never know about the new stuff the author discovered about AGO. It`s really bad news, I`m afraid.
Great news my dear Wurger,

and I hope we get more Projects in it.
Since the first edition of René's book is very complete I'm afraid
that no projects are to be left...
Sorry guys,

I may have expressed myself wrong. René found more stuff, especially on the 1938 pusher heavy fighter, due to be published in a 2nd edition, but somehow it will not happen. :-X
Is there any hope for a eventual loose addendum
to his book Wurger?
Hi Paul,

I really don`t know. Let`s hope he can do it... It`s such a shame!!!
Dear friends,
I can't tell you exactly what's going on- but I'll go on.
If there are (good) news, I let you know. Thank you all for your interest! It's good to know...
Well , that is good news René!
Hi René,

I wish you all the best and hopefully that will mean also more on AGO. That pusher aircraft project is tantalizing... I guess there is hope after all, Paul!!

the Ago Ao.193 was a twin-engine heavy fighter responding to the same program
as the Arado Ar 240 and Messerschmitt Me 210 ?!.
Never heard about it! What's your source?

French Wikipedia ( claims:

Les Ao 193 et Ao 225 (bimoteur de chasse lourde répondant au même programme que les Arado Ar 240 et Messerschmitt Me 210 ) ne dépassèrent pas le stade de la planche à dessins.

Note that the Ao 193 and Ao 225 have been lumped together as heavy fighters. But the single-seat Ao 225 is usually described as an attack aircraft - so, more Hs 129 replacement than Ar 240/Me 210 rival. As is all too common for Wikipedia, no references are given for any of these claims.

BTW, I note that English Wikipedia's often-optimistic listing of aircraft types does not include the Ao 193.
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French Wikipedia ( claims:

Note that the Ao 193 and Ao 225 have been lumped together as heavy fighters. But the single-seat Ao 225 is usually described as an attack aircraft - so, more Hs 129 replacement than Ar 240/Me 210 rival. As is all too common for Wikipedia, no references are given for any of these claims.

BTW, I note that English Wikipedia's often-optimistic listing of aircraft types does not include the Ao 193.
The article seems to refer only to the Ao225 as a heavy fighter.
That's not right,because the site displayed this list before,without
any text about Ao.193,and when you click on it,you couldn't find
anything,but after they updated the site,now you'll see the caption,
no logical answer,but we can ask the owner.
Perhaps this helps...

The RLM nr 193 was allotted to AGO for a future (not specified) project on wich no further work was done.

Translated from " Die Deutschen Flugzeuge 1933-1945 " - 1007 pages. 4th edtn. p.31-33
Kens-Nowarra 1972 - J.F Lehmanns Verlag. München. Deutschland
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I would second lark, as nearly the same is said in René Scheer's book "AGO-Flugzeugwerke-Vom Gitterrumpf zur Me 262", with the restriction, that the term "es ist möglich" (perhaps) is added to the type numbers 193, 194, 223 and 224,
as alloted to AGO, and the addition, that this is only on records for the 192 and 225.
OK my dears,but I want also ask the founder of this site.
OK my dears,but I want also ask the founder of this site.
Good luck ! Had a look at the site and what seems to be a contact button ("My E-Mail")
only led me to a log-in site to Webmail, but not to the site owner...
Good luck ! Had a look at the site and what seems to be a contact button ("My E-Mail")
only led me to a log-in site to Webmail, but not to the site owner...

OK my dear Jemiba,I will do that.

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