Catastrophic mudslide at Hiroshima


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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This catastrophic disaster occurred by heavy rain at the early morning of the day before yesterday (8/20).
It is the large-scale landslide which occurred in northern Hiroshima.
40 death and 47 missing persons have become clear now.
The eager relief activity is performed.
I hope the help especially from the United States, because we are Tomodachi now. :)
Given that the discussion topics on this site are strongly biased towards aerial warfare, this is NOT what I was expecting based on the title of the post! :eek:

Poor bastards. I hope the survivors get all the help they need fast.
blackkite said:
I hope the help especially from the United States,

Landslides seem to be popular these days (these are all from this month):

Otherworldly Downpour Preceded Landslide in India
Landslide in Nepal Kills at Least 8; Hundreds Are Missing
Utah community on edge after violent landslide
And from March:
2014 Oso mudslide

On Saturday, March 22, 2014, at 10:37 a.m. local time, a major mudflow occurred 4 miles (6.4 km) east of Oso, Washington, United States, when a portion of an unstable hill collapsed, sending mud and debris across the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River, engulfing a rural neighborhood, and covering an area of approximately 1 square mile (2.6 km2). Forty-three people were killed.[2]

blackkite said:
because we are Tomodachi now. :)

??? Tomo-Dachi
Tomo-Dachi was an anime convention based in Derry, Northern Ireland.
Orionblamblam said:
Landslides seem to be popular these days (these are all from this month)

Sympathy for the victims, wherever disaster struck.
But at least speaking about the landslides in good old Europe, it is known, that those incidents
principally need not to be that disastrous. But more and more houses are built in areas, that are
known to be prone to landslides, so such disasters are more or less predictable. It's the same
with those areas, that are regularly flooded by the rivers nearby. Not every patch of land is suitable
for settlements and people know that for centuries !
Hi! Mudslide area.
Blackbox : Dead, White box : Missing


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Tomodachi is "friend' in Japanese. Hence the US military contribution to disaster recovery after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami was called 'Operaton Tomodachi'.

I'm not sure the US, or any allied nation, could add much to the mudslide search operation. NHK news reported last night that there are serious mobility problems in the search area, and that the mud's consistency is such that if you try to dig a hole, the mud just flows back in with each scoop of the shovel. Looks like large scale drainage is needed.

Anyhow, Western Japan has been suffering from events like these for some time now. There was a big one on an island called Izu Oshima last year - hundreds died. In that case the Meterological Agency knew what was coming, but regulations stated that severe weather warnings could only be issued for a prefectural-size area.

This year, Hiroshima City was warned of severe weather on the way, but despite a history of such landslides in the city, only issued evacuation warnings some time after citizens phoned in reports of landslides. The mayor said he would check disaster prepartion guidelines to see why this happened(!). Pesonally speaking, after Izu Oshima, there is no excuse for this. The mayor was probably too busy with anti-nuke duties to think about the safety of his people.
starviking said:
I'm not sure the US, or any allied nation, could add much to the mudslide search operation.

It's too small an area. As with the 9/11 Ground Zero, it's easily flooded with more rescuers than could actually conveniently and practically fit.

And the thing with mudslides is that most of the people needing rescuing have at best *minutes* to live. It very quickly becomes a body-recovery operation.
Many people have hit the repair work from a disaster as the volunteer. The fund-raising campaign was also performed actively, and though I was also small, it cooperated.
The large jet passenger plane(B767?) circled in the sky of the stricken area region by two sets repeatedly, and it was being checked whether there would be any generating of a new disaster on the morning of the day before yesterday.
The dangerous state continues. It rains still now.
Many thanks starviking san! You understand Japan very well. :eek:
blackkite said:
Many people have hit the repair work from a disaster as the volunteer. The fund-raising campaign was also performed actively, and though I was also small, it cooperated.
The large jet passenger plane(B767?) circled in the sky of the stricken area region by two sets repeatedly, and it was being checked whether there would be any generating of a new disaster on the morning of the day before yesterday.
The dangerous state continues. It rains still now.
Many thanks starviking san! You understand Japan very well. :eek:

No problem Blackkite, I'm from the UK, but live in Tohoku.
I know, I know from 1F site trouble. ;)

This disaster occurred in 3:30 a.m. on the early morning of August 20.
Although I was in the southern part of Hiroshima and had awoke by chance then, the northern part of Hiroshima was wrapped in violent lightning, and was very uncanny.
It will be because it was attacked by the heavy rain. Japanese TV news said that Back-building thunderstorm occured in Hiroshima.  

Back-building thunderstorm

A back building thunderstorm, commonly referred to as a training thunderstorm, is a thunderstorm in which new development takes place on the upwind side (usually the west or southwest side in the Northern Hemisphere), such that the storm seems to remain stationary or propagate in a backward direction. Though the storm often appears stationary on radar, or even moving upwind, this is an illusion. The storm is really a multi-cell storm with new, more vigorous cells that form on the upwind side, replacing older cells that continue to drift downwind. When this happens, catastrophic flooding is possible. In Rapid City, South Dakota, in 1972, an unusual alignment of winds at various levels of the atmosphere combined to produce a continuously training set of cells that dropped an enormous quantity of rain upon the same area, resulting in devastating flash flooding.A similar event occurred in Boscastle, England, on 16 August 2004.


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