Albert Gatard's Statoplans


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
31 December 2008
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The French are well-known for some unusual approaches to light aircraft. One lesser-known type is the "Statoplan" of Albert Gatard.

In short, Gatard's Statoplan concept uses variable-camber wings (essentially flaps connected to the stick) to change wing lift while keeping the fuselage incidence almost perfectly level (within four degrees, IIRC). The tailplane is also connected to the stick but is only used to trim out any pitching moment and keep the fuselage level. In theory, the extra drag of the flaps is offset by the drag saved by keeping the fuselage level and, of course, visibility during take off, climb and landing is much better than conventional types.

Here are the Gatard designs that I am aware of:

AG 01 Alouette - High-wing, single-seater (1951, prototype only)

AG 02 Poussin - Low-wing, single-seater comparable to a Jodel D.9 Bébé or Druine Turbulent, but faster (1957, plans sold for amateur builders, many still flying today)

AG 03 Hirondelle - High-wing, two-seater entered into the French Ministry of Transport competition for club aircraft (three-view in another thread here:,965.msg7691.html#msg7691), but not selected (1958, prototype only?) [Anyone have a pic of this one?]

AG 04 Pigeon - High-wing, four-seater for utility use, able to carry a stretcher for medical evacuation (1976, prototype only)

AG 05 Mésange - [Wikipedia lists an AG 05 under Albert Gatard designs and even gives the model name Mésange but I have not been able to find any other references...anyone have any info or images?]




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Hi Cluttonfred
From some old "aviation magazine"
Have a nice time


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Thanks very much, Toura. Would you be able to post or PM me the reference for the source (which magazine, date, etc.) so I could try to track down the complete article? Thanks!
Hi Cuttonfred
SORRY ! I see the article is not complet !!!
I LOST IT !!!!!!!!!
I apologize
It come from "Aviation Magazine international"
year 1980 !!
Thanks to Johan Visschedijk of, I have some additional info to share on the Gatard Statoplan designs:

AG.03 Hirondelle (Nightingale)

The Gatard Statoplan AG.03 Hirondelle was most likely never built. The design was submitted to the French Ministry of Transport competition for club aircraft and was one of nine entries selected in December 1958 "to progress to the second stage, that of detailed design." (Source: Flight, 19 December 1958). Thereafter it disappears from the radar. (See the link in the initial post to a separate thread on the various aircraft of that French competition.)

AG.05 Mésange (Tomtit)

The Gatard Statoplan AG.05 Mésange was also most likely never built. Per Jane's, "Design of the AG 05 was under way in the Spring of 1969. Essentially, it is an enlarged development of the Poussin with side-by-side seating for two persons. It is intended primarily as a training or aerobatic aircraft, but will have provision either for seating a third occupant or for installing a supplementary fuel tank aft of the two front seats, to make the aircraft suitable for touring. Control system will be similar to that of the Poussin, but the Mésange will have larger, broader-chord wings without the rounded tips of its predecessor, and will have leading-edge fuel tanks. No recent news of this aircraft has become available for publication." (Source: Janes All the World's Aircraft 1971-72, scanned entry attached with full specs)

Albert Gatard's own planes

While Albert Gatard passed away on January 19, 1988, it is a testament to his skills as a designer and builder that all four of the planes he built with his own hands in the years 1951-1976 still appear today on the active French civil register:

  • 1951 Gatard Statoplan AG 01 L'Alouette (Lark) F-WFDA c/n 01 (became F-PFDA on May 12, 1953, still registered)
  • 1957 Gatard Statoplan AG 02 Le Poussin (Chicken) F-WHUO c/n 01 (became F-PHUO on August 23, 1957, still registered)
  • 1960 A second Le Poussin was built by Gatard in 1960, F-WJGP c/n 2 (became F-PJGP on January 17, 1962, still registered)
  • 1976 Gatard Statoplan AG 04 Pigeon (Dove) F-WYBB c/n 01 (became F-PYBB on February 8, 1977, still registered)

Dank u, Johan!



PS--No worries, Toura, about the article!


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Via Jon Noble, owner of a really great collection of 3-views, sadly gone several years ago,
I got a scan from an issue of Les Ailes with an aircraft just designated "Statoplan".
Don't know, how it fits into the designstions scheme.


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Thanks very much, Jemiba, that appears to be the same 3-view of the unbuilt AG.03 Hirondelle that you posted here --,965.msg7691.html#msg7691 -- but the perspective drawing is new to me!
Ah, sorry, I forgot about the contest for an "avion de grand vulgarisation" ! And probably that scan
was from the Aviation magazine, too as Richard wrote. Jon wasn't quite sure about the source then.
Does it have toed-out end plates on the horizontal stabilizer? I guess that could improve yaw stability?
mz said:
Does it have toed-out end plates on the horizontal stabilizer? I guess that could improve yaw stability?

Yes, they do, though I am not quite clear on the advantages/disadvantages vs. vertical end plates. Anyone know?
Hi, I'm a french AG02 Poussin homebuilder and new here.
I'm living nearly by Paris.
Is there somebody who could talk with me about this plane ?


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Hello, thanks, I know about Poussin, I'm looking for someone who has interest to this airplane

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