Global Military Spending - NEWS ONLY


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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US, NATO Allies Cutting Back; Rest of the World Arms

The US and Europe were the only regions to cut defense spending last year, while several adversary nations topped the world charts, according to the most recent Stockholm International Peace Research Institute fact sheet. "China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia—all made substantial increases, with Saudi Arabia leapfrogging the United Kingdom, Japan, and France to become the world's fourth largest military spender," SIPRI summarized in an April 14 press release. Those three countries "have more than doubled their military expenditure since 2004," states the release. US defense spending, on the other hand, dropped by 7.8 percent in real terms in 2013, due to the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, which was compounded by sequestration. Russia is undertaking a massive military recapitalization with the goal of replacing "70 percent of equipment with ‘modern’ weapons by 2020," outspending the US as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product for the first time since 2003, states SIPRI. Britain fell out of the top five spenders for the first time since World War II, while Japan reversed its declining budget trend citing security concerns over China, according to the release.

The one issue I have with the study is that they include Overseas Contingency Operations in the US budget, yes this is 'military' spending but it does not form part of the base military spending so IMHO overstates US military spending as it will go away someday.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

I wasn't aware that Saudi Arabia was an "adversary nation" anyone except Iran (and to a less extent Israel).
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

How are they *not?* The only thing keeping the Saudis and the West from being outright enemies is oil: we want what they've got, they want our money.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

Looks like mutual self-interest to me. What exactly is the problem with that? I'd rather have a peace created through self-interest than fear.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

Orionblamblam said:
How are they *not?* The only thing keeping the Saudis and the West from being outright enemies is oil: we want what they've got, they want our money.

...and the west gets the money back in exchange for modern weapon systems...weird world.

Al-Yamamah arms deal:
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

Ending Sequestration?

—Otto Kreisher7/16/2014

A leading congressional “defense hawk” said he is working to educate his colleagues on the fact that “you can’t disproportionately cut defense—taking 50 percent of the cuts in 18 percent of the budget.” Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s readiness panel, said the Defense Department “has given and given” with a total of $1.3 trillion in cuts in the last several years. “No other part of the budget has gotten anywhere near that much,” Wittman told reporters July 17 in Washington, D.C. “You can’t balance the budget on the backs of the men and women in the military. You’ve got to look at other places in the budget,” he said. Wittman has been taking members without defense experience to see what the military is doing and said he believes he is starting to convert some of them. With at least 56 new members in the next Congress, Wittman said he hopes the debate can be reigniting on ending sequestration, at least for the military. However, he sees no sign that Congress can pass any of the Fiscal 2015 appropriations bills by the Oct. 1 deadline, though he expects a short continuing resolution to fund the government into the new budget year and quick passage of an omnibus funding bill shortly after the November elections.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

VTOLicious said:
Orionblamblam said:
How are they *not?* The only thing keeping the Saudis and the West from being outright enemies is oil: we want what they've got, they want our money.

...and the west gets the money back in exchange for modern weapon systems...weird world.

Al-Yamamah arms deal:
Some of these arms deals have some great clauses. I suppose when the people who make the laws want the kickbacks it isn't illegal. Cars, private planes and hotels all paid for by British defence contractors as part of arms deals. Buy a missile get a tickets to an Elton John show!
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

phrenzy said:
VTOLicious said:
Orionblamblam said:
How are they *not?* The only thing keeping the Saudis and the West from being outright enemies is oil: we want what they've got, they want our money.

...and the west gets the money back in exchange for modern weapon systems...weird world.

Al-Yamamah arms deal:
Some of these arms deals have some great clauses. I suppose when the people who make the laws want the kickbacks it isn't illegal. Cars, private planes and hotels all paid for by British defence contractors as part of arms deals. Buy a missile get a tickets to an Elton John show!

I hope you don't think this kind of thing is limited to the defense industry.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

Thank goodness for a report that uses the noun 'expenditure' instead of the trendy and grating 'spend'.
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Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report

As an FYI I am posting stories of defense spending for information purposed only without commentary. Other SPF members are free to do the same if so inclined.
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Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

Thornberry Wants Budget Committee To Fund DOD Base Request To At Least $566B

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) and 30 other GOP lawmakers are asking the House Budget Committee to approve a fiscal year 2016 Pentagon base budget that is at least $566 billion, or $32 billion more than President Obama has requested -- breaking the Budgetary Control Act spending caps by $67 billion and setting the stage for a internal GOP standoff over defense spending.
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Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

Thought this would work here as it is a budgetary issue.
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Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

More or less funding/budget related
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

House DOD mark up Ohio Replacement, F-18 gets extra funds.
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The Aircraft Carrier and the budget the debate continues.
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Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

France to increase defense spending.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

From AFA:

After years of pulling modernization and recapitalization dollars to fund force structure and readiness, the defense system is “now unbalanced,” Defense Secretary Ash Carter told members of the Senate Appropriations defense panel on Wednesday. Carter and out-going Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Gen. Martin Dempsey pleaded with Congress to stop sequestration and to provide a long-term funding solution that will provide service members and their families the stability they deserve. “Equipment and capabilities of too many components of the military are growing too old, too fast—from our nuclear deterrent to our tactical forces,” said Carter. “Painful, but necessary reforms imposed by DOD,” such as retiring older force structure and “reasonable adjustments in compensation have been denied by Congress. We’re starting to see this double whammy once again in markups of the budget this year.” Both Carter and Dempsey opposed the current budget plan to keep the base budget at Budget Control Act caps and pad the overseas contingency operations funds. “With respect to confrontation and gridlock, I hope we can come together and get past this by the end of the year,” said Carter. “A nickel and dime approach” to the defense budget “is not the right one.”
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

"What’s the goal of the reforms? “We want weapons that are game changing and get out there in the next five years and will make the world stand up and say, America is back,” a SASC committee staffer told me in an exclusive interview."
The SASC gets a lot of classified briefings on black budget items so is the above something specific or hyperbole?
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

FY2016 DOD budget
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

SASC budget document (warning large file) lots of interesting stuff if you go through it but found these missile defense items interesting.

Report on space-based missile defense interceptor

The committee supports the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) efforts
to consider additional capabilities to prevent ballistic missile
attack on the United States, including solutions that would reduce
cost-per-kill. Additionally, the committee is aware of technology development
that focuses on interception in the boost phase of a ballistic
missile. The committee believes that such capabilities that
are both cost-effective and operationally reliable should be explored.
The Senate-passed version of the Duncan Hunter National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 required the Department
of Defense to conduct an independent assessment of the feasibility
and advisability of developing a space-based interceptor (SBI)
element to the ballistic missile defense system. This study was
completed in April 2011 and submitted to Congress. Among its
findings, the study determined that ‘‘the creation, deployment, and
operation of an SBI system would provide a number of strategic
benefits but would also face certain challenges.’’
In order to understand the current status of technologies under
development and those that are potentially capable of providing a
space-based element to the ballistic missile defense system, the
committee directs MDA to submit a report to the congressional defense
committees no later than 90 days after the date of enactment
of this act that includes the following elements: (1) an assessment
of the need for a space-based interceptor element to the ballistic
missile defense system, including an assessment of the extent to
which there is a ballistic missile threat that such an interceptor
would address; (2) whether other elements of the ballistic missile
defense system could be modified to meet that threat; (3) an assessment
of the components and capabilities and the maturity of critical
technologies necessary to make such a space-based interceptor
element operational; (4) an estimate of the total cost for the life
cycle of such a space-based interceptor element, including the costs
of research, development, demonstration, procurement, deployment,
and launching of the element; (5) an assessment of the effectiveness
of such a space-based interceptor element in intercepting ballistic
missiles and the survivability of the element in case of attack;
(6) an assessment of possible debris generated from the use or testing
of such a space-based interceptor element; and (7) an assessment
of any command, control, or battle management considerations
of using such a space-based interceptor element, including
estimated timelines for the detection of ballistic missiles, decision making
with respect to the use of the element, and interception of
the missile by the element. The report shall be submitted in unclassified
form, but may include a classified annex.
Multiple Object Kill Vehicle

The budget request included $46.7 million for Research, Development,
Test, and Evaluation, Defense-wide, PE 63294C, for Common
Kill Vehicle Technology, which includes development of the Multiple
Object Kill Vehicle (MOKV). According to the Director of the
Missile Defense Agency, a multi-object kill capability would ‘‘revolutionize’’
the missile defense architecture, permitting the destruction
of several threat objects with a single ground-based interceptor
missile. The committee believes the MOKV program should be a
high priority of the Missile Defense Agency. Accordingly, the committee
recommends an increase of $20.0 million in PE 63294C for
the MOKV development program.
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY
Re: Global Military Spending - SIPRI Report & NEWS ONLY

bobbymike said:
Multiple Object Kill Vehicle

The budget request included $46.7 million for Research, Development,
Test, and Evaluation, Defense-wide, PE 63294C, for Common
Kill Vehicle Technology, which includes development of the Multiple
Object Kill Vehicle (MOKV). According to the Director of the
Missile Defense Agency, a multi-object kill capability would ‘‘revolutionize’’
the missile defense architecture, permitting the destruction
of several threat objects with a single ground-based interceptor
missile. The committee believes the MOKV program should be a
high priority of the Missile Defense Agency. Accordingly, the committee
recommends an increase of $20.0 million in PE 63294C for
the MOKV development program.

Multiple Kill Vehicle? Man, what a sweet idea. If only we'd thought of that sooner.



If we hadn't been so short-sighted, penny-pinching, and stupid we could have probably flight tested this by now. We never learn. Wait, wait, wait. . .my bad. It's not "Multiple Kill Vehicle", it's "Multiple Object Kill Vehicle"; completely different beast. ::)

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