Gemini Interceptor


Bravo to All Brave Test Pilots
12 January 2008
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Good Evening Everyone,

Here's a paper model of Gemini Interceptor just to show what it was intended to look like.

I found a sketch of Gemini Interceptor (I cannot now find the source), with the weapons/radar system just scribbled greebles. I thought it was interesting, and bashed a 1/96 scale model. The Gemini model is available free on Jon Leslie's site. The weaponized Trans-Stage with fold down doors was designed in Lightwave. The weapons/radar are just little boxes and parts designed in MS Word, then assembled very easily.


  • GemInt-Med.JPG
    373.2 KB · Views: 576
SAustin16 said:
Good Evening Everyone,

Here's a paper model of Gemini Interceptor just to show what it was intended to look like.

I found a sketch of Gemini Interceptor (I cannot now find the source), with the weapons/radar system just scribbled greebles. I thought it was interesting, and bashed a 1/96 scale model. The Gemini model is available free on Jon Leslie's site. The weaponized Trans-Stage with fold down doors was designed in Lightwave. The weapons/radar are just little boxes and parts designed in MS Word, then assembled very easily.

Absolutely Gorgeous!!!!

P.S. I always thought about realize 3 views drawings of Gemini Interceptor, it could come on my task list very soon....
GTX said:
Very nice model. Is there any details of the project?

so far i know only one picture that our member Orionblamblam found
Orionblamblam said:
Ever since I scanned, cleaned, re-texted and posted it *years* ago (sometime in the 96-99 timeframe). Always interesting to see these things pop up again.


Good Evening,

Thank you all for the kind responses.

Gemini Interceptor was a fun little project. As you can see, I had to "make up" some of the equipment on the doors. I made a sad mistake during assembly, and had to dissect the model to try to correct it. I ended up ripping some of the skin in the process. Oh well...I will build another one of these days.

Michel, that is the illustration that inspired the model, but I could not find the source. Thank you for posting it.

Gemini is a wonderful spacecraft, easily modified for various purposes.

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