Baby Steps for 'Warp Drive'?

In as lilttle as 20 years ? Wow, i hope they are not being wildly optimistic again, like the time CERN said they had found particles that travel faster than light or when Nasa says it found life on Mars. Someone needs their budgets maintained.

I know someone who works on a similar project with another team. I first thought he was only a (very good) amateur aviation researcher (though i knew he had studied physics), but when I accidentally found some of the tech papers on the faster than light propulsion research on which he his a participant some months ago, my jaw dropped...
i hope Nasa not cut the budget, like usual.
Normally they pay the scientist a amount money were with conduct there experiments, until money is used up and that was it folks...
This bunch of information echoes lats march 2013 popular science's hagiography:

What is more, much of the information which is available today, including the artworks and basic concepts, was seeded in the 1996-2002 period as part of Nasa's Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) project, which is barely mentioned in any press article.

This is a bullshit project. To understand why, it helps to understand how NASA funds science projects vs. engineering projects. Science projects have to go through some kind of peer review by other scientists before they are approved to spend money. Engineering projects usually don't go through that kind of approval process. Instead, a manager can dole out money to the people who work for him without any broader review. In this case, it looks like this guy uses big words and concepts and his bosses don't understand him, but think that he might possibly be a genius, so they give him a little bit of money. Although this is really a science project, it has been funded by the engineering part of NASA. And it has not been peer reviewed.

If you read interviews with him you start to see all kinds of warning signs. He created a logo for his lab before he even started doing work! And he is rather secretive, talking about "proprietary" data and things like that. It all looks like somebody who does more public relations than actual science, and who never lets any outside group of physicists assess his work. I think NASA should put this project to independent review and let the review panel decide if it is real or if it should be shut down.
I think my butt sometimes makes warp bubbles after eating Mexican food.

However, to Blackstar's point, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." We've only heard claims so far.
blackstar said:
This is a bullshit project. To understand why, it helps to understand how NASA funds science projects vs. engineering projects. Science projects have to go through some kind of peer review by other scientists before they are approved to spend money. Engineering projects usually don't go through that kind of approval process. Instead, a manager can dole out money to the people who work for him without any broader review. In this case, it looks like this guy uses big words and concepts and his bosses don't understand him, but think that he might possibly be a genius, so they give him a little bit of money. Although this is really a science project, it has been funded by the engineering part of NASA. And it has not been peer reviewed.

If you read interviews with him you start to see all kinds of warning signs. He created a logo for his lab before he even started doing work! And he is rather secretive, talking about "proprietary" data and things like that. It all looks like somebody who does more public relations than actual science, and who never lets any outside group of physicists assess his work. I think NASA should put this project to independent review and let the review panel decide if it is real or if it should be shut down.

Based on what I've read so far, the only workable engineering device being crafted happens to be a lab-scale interferometer (sensor) allegedly designed to detect light bending just in case one successfully creates a "warp bubble" or "warp torroid" as the case may be. Getting down to specifics, it would be a lab-scale Chwolson ring detector, named after a russian physicist who calculated in 1924 how would a gravitational lens look like (optical signature). I'm not sure I saw this name ever published so far related to White's warp drive activities. And for the sake of completedness, other classes of nonn-traditionnal gravitational wave detectors have been suggested over the last decade. Some of them are broadly connected to the High-Frequency Gravitational Wave (HFGW) topic while others, calling for slightly less discussed technologies, suggest empowering holography, to secure more interesting results.

Desert Dawn said:
like the time CERN said they had found particles that travel faster than light...

...Hey, if *I* had to pay as much alimony as they owed their ex-bond pairings, I'd be FTL myself.

[crickets chirp]

...Thank you, thank you, danke, спасибо, qatlho'[/size]naDevvo' yIghoS! I'll be here all week. And please, be sure to tip your waitress and your bartender. Like the people who own this site, they're working for tips and tips alone! B) :eek:

I noticed the reporting on this a while ago, too. Thought about posting it here, but there wasn't too much to discuss. I think I saw a paper or two posted at arXiv, but am not sure ... may have been older Malcadena stuff anyway. There were some specific claims about reducing the theoretical energy requirement from star-size to something more manageable.

Of course I hope they're on to something. I'm all for taking the long view, but interstellar light beam sailing still seems like quite a long winded effort in comparison to just "engaging" or "making it so" (speaking of things that also seem to connect FTL and alimony).

[more crickets]

Well, one would expect a tough crowd in "The Online Mos Eisley Cantina", especially for trekkie references. Next!
UpForce said:
[more crickets]

ulala, "crickets" tend to be warp driven very fast over here, going quantum frenzy on this topic. We should either stay on rails even if they seem distantly futuristic, because one might consider there is some potential for constructive discussion, or we should close it if crickets and their brothers keep showing up. Don't ya think so? :)

OM said:
Desert Dawn said:
like the time CERN said they had found particles that travel faster than light...

...Hey, if *I* had to pay as much alimony as they owed their ex-bond pairings, I'd be FTL myself.

[crickets chirp]

...Thank you, thank you, danke, спасибо, qatlho'naDevvo' yIghoS! I'll be here all week. And please, be sure to tip your waitress and your bartender. Like the people who own this site, they're working for tips and tips alone! B) :eek:


Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Good one ! ;D
antigravite said:
or we should close it if crickets and their brothers keep showing up. Don't ya think so? :)

...All things considered, interjecting humor into a serious discussion actually tends to keep things from exploding into a flamefest over such little things as whether the USAF is putting fluorine in our toothpaste so we can bioprocess it into rocket fuel. That is, unless Buddy Holly shows up suddenly, then all bets are off ;D ;)

[sound of various makes & models of machine guns being cocked, which sounds like loud chirping]

Desert Dawn said:
Oops, i must have forgotten that part of the Buddy Holly movie :p

...We all did. Remember the scene where Buddy gets his front tooth knocked out just before appearing on the Ed Sullivan show? Well, IIRC, they went to a sponsor after that performance, and it was for a brand of toothpaste.

"Tonight's Secret Projects Forum is sponsored by Gushko's Salbei, the space-age miracle cleaner! Now with 20% more IRFNA that'll leave your clothes cleaner and smelling so fresh you won't smell *anything*!"
Let Dr Harold White talk him self about Warp Drive
from SpaceVision 2013

My pet theory (feel free to mock ;D) the Universe in all its vastness only makes sense if these technologies, maybe thousands of years from now, can be made to work.

My pet theory (feel free to mock ;D) the Universe in all its vastness only makes sense if these technologies, maybe thousands of years from now, can be made to work.
I'm not sure that the universe necessarily has to make sense to us.

My pet theory (feel free to mock ;D) the Universe in all its vastness only makes sense if these technologies, maybe thousands of years from now, can be made to work.
I'm not sure that the universe necessarily has to make sense to us.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

My pet theory (feel free to mock ;D) the Universe in all its vastness only makes sense if these technologies, maybe thousands of years from now, can be made to work.
I'm not sure that the universe necessarily has to make sense to us.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.


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