Hergé/Leloup's amazing « Carreidas 160 » business jet (from "Flight 714")


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25 June 2009
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I really wonder if Hergé took some inspiration in the Morane-Saulnier M.S.880 design evolution to imagine his Carreidas 160 business jet... (although the wingplan definitely reminds of the later Rockwell B-1, which he could not possibly have anticipated).


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Topic split. More Carreidas 160 fantasy:
  • A set of magnificent profiles in hypothetical liveries
  • An alternate, unused design for the project


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I understand from the Wikipedia entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carreidas_160) that free-flight and electic ducted fan versions of the Carreidas 160 were built. I've been asking around the modelling forums after failing to find an image on the web, nobody seems to have seen them.



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it'd be cool to see someone make this as a lego plane. also, cool livery ideas. thanks for sharing them.
Hi everyone,

There's a Carreidas jet for the simulation X-Plane that's pretty good, albeit it's for an extremely dated version of the simulation.

Here's a somewhat newer version that's a bit less outdated, but not as faithful to the original ... it does come with preview pictures though:

It's my impression that the original cockpit both in the comic and in the original X-Plane design was based on the real-world Concorde cockpit.

The original simulator version had the range to just make the canonic Jakarta-Sidney flight - but only when not actually going supersonic :)

The X-Plane model's elevator authority turned out to be quite insufficient for slow flight without modifying the design to a flying-tail configuration, though.


Henning (HoHun)
It's my impression that the original cockpit both in the comic and in the original X-Plane design was based on the real-world Concorde cockpit.
looking into Comic, the cockpit look differently to Concord.
it has similarity to Dassault Falcon, but again things look again differently to that.
You got classic 1960s configuration Pilot, Copilot, flight-engineer.
but also non funktional parts like instruments console over heads of Pilots and flight-engineer
you need to stand up, to read them...
I often thought it could be done at 1/72 scale, starting from a Falcon 20, putting F-111 VG wings, and a pointy nose plus the different tail...
Hi Michel,

looking into Comic, the cockpit look differently to Concord.

Thanks for the correction, I guess it was only the simulator cockpit that I thought was based on Concorde's. It's been a long time since I read the comic!

This was all in the days of bitmap cockpits ... see attachments :) (The panels were created by Gregory Lhomme Hounsfield in 2005.)

From the readme.txt included with the aircraft model:

"Tintin was going to Sydney from Jakarta, our C-160 won't reach that far without refuelling. Maximum range at M 1.97 cruise speed at alt 43-46k ft is about 1250 nm."

(Performance, including range, changed over the various X-Plane versions, unless one re-adjusted engine modelling.)


Henning (HoHun)


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