Ukrainian remotely controlled unmanned attack aircraft


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25 June 2009
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A shock remotely controlled unmanned aircraft contains a fuselage, a wing and a tail assembly with control elements located on the fuselage, one, two or more engines, a device of takeoff/landing, points of attachment of the weapons of destruction, a system of support and functioning of aircraft, a system of control and guidance of aircraft to target, weapons of destruction. For increasing the combat characteristics it additionally contains a system of video surveillance and additional explosive charge with contact explosion device.

Patent: UA 31 234 U
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Application: 26 December 2007
Effective/publication: 25 March 2008
Proprietor: Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of Armed Forces of Ukraine, UA


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Re: Ukrainian shock remotely controlled unmanned aircraft

Beg your pardon, what does the word "shock" here stands for ?
The manufacturer/designer ? Or is it designed to shock the enemy ?
Probably it isn't controlled by the shock of the operator, but maybe of the
target person ... I once read a sci-fi novel, where an unmanned tank targeted
persons by the emissions of their brains, when they were frightened... ;)
Re: Ukrainian shock remotely controlled unmanned aircraft

I asked myself the very same question. The text is reproduced "as is" from the original patent document (there was an English version of the abstract). Possibly the UAV explodes when it hits its target. Confirmation, anyone? Here's the original PDF:


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Re: Ukrainian shock remotely controlled unmanned aircraft

You may be right, the short description in English seems not to be very accurate. Translating the
text with an online translator isn't that easy, as the document is not a text file. So we'll have to
wait for a native Russian speaker...
I don't know, but this design just begs for re-designation as "Jeep launched, B-26 derived kamikaze, crewed by mice"

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