Navarro Safety Aircraft « Chief » 3-seater saloon monoplane (1931)


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25 June 2009
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Found this British aircraft of the 1930s and have no idea if it was actually produced, or if the Navarro company did anything else. Here are excerpts from the 1931 brochure... Has anyone heard of Navarro before? Other pics would be greatly appreciated!


The Navarro Instinctive Diagonal Controlled Aircraft is a new departure in design that constitutes absolute safety, the principal factors being: Instinctive Stability, Reliability, Comfort and Simplicity of Construction. The machines can be built any size, from a Single Seater to an Air Liner, are adaptable for land or water, and will revolutionize the Aircraft Industry.


This Design is the result of 20 years' experience in Research, Design and Constructional work, with a view to evolving absolute safety without mechanical complication or gadgets, and making air travel as perfect as Bird Flight. Safety from the Power Standpoint is assured, as all machines will have three motors which will develop a total of approximately 110 H.P., thus bringing the machine within the light-plane class, and in the event of one engine failing, the machine will not only fly, but will still be able to climb and so reach altitude safety.

The principal features of the INSTINCTIVE DIAGONAL CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT are —

1. Diagonal Differential Controlled Tail Elevator—Positively ensures safety from spinning.
2. Wing Tips—Positively ensures safety from sideslip. (...)

THE GENERAL DESIGN of the Navarro Monoplanes has been the result of study and practical experience for the past 20 years in constructing Government and Civil Aircraft, both English and Foreign, and the strictest supervision in construction to the most minute detail (...)

NAVARRO SAFETY AIRCRAFT LTD. was a firm based at Finsbury House, Blomfield Street, London.


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More info:

The Navarro Chief was also known as the "J.G.N. Type 34" (from the initials of its designer). It was built by Navarro Safety Aircraft Ltd., at Heston Air Park, Middlesex, just outside London. The aircraft was never registered but did apparently fly once. It was underpowered, and from a safety point of view, it was probably a good thing that it never flew again! Two reports on the aircraft in Flight magazine dated Nov. 21, 1930 and March 6, 1931 describe the innovative machine but they were not so certain about its "safety" features. It had just been completed at Heston when the latter Flight report was printed.

A Tri-Motor with one engine in the nose of the fuselage and the other two slung outboard under the wing, it had a wooden fuselage covered with plywood. Advertised as a mini-airliner, it carried the pilot plus two passengers all one behind the other in line and was offered as an Air Coupe or Saloon. If used for freight only it was to be called an Air Tramp. Floats could also be fitted.

This high wing aeroplane had three ABC Scorpion engines (All British Engine Company of London) each producing 35-37 H.P. The power of the Navarro Chief shown in the specifications in the 1931 pamphlet was 111 H.P., although the make of the engine was not identified. Folding wings ensured that it could easily be "garaged" and the safety features of Mr Navarro's invention were upturned wing tips and elevators whose hinge line was not at right angles to the line of flight which would eliminate the most common cause of accidents - "Spinning and Stalling".

J.G. Navarro had a long history of design experience, having worked before WW1 with the British Breguet firm and the Brush Electric Company at Loughborough who at the time were building Maurice Farmans. Moving to Southampton, he joined the design staff of Whitehead Aircraft (Richmond and Hanworth) before starting the Navarro Aircraft Company at Burton -on- Trent where sub-contracts were carried out. J.G. Navarro died on 9th Sept. 1947.

The fate of the Navarro Chief is unknown; together with the engines and all the other contents of Navarro Safety Aircraft Ltd., it was sold by public auction at Heston on 3rd May 1932.

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From Navarro's patent GB357247


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Re: Navarro Early Aircraft and Projects

From AE 131,

Mr. Joseph George Navarro was burn in 1881,and he designed a triplane in 1909 and a
biplane in 1910,at beginning of WWII he established Navarro Co Ltd.,and in 1918 he
created a Bullet,a high speed fighter,during 1920s he made a flying boat Project,used
as a commercial or with some improvements as a bomber.


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Re: Navarro Early Aircraft and Projects

hesham said:
From AE 131,

Mr. Joseph George Navarro was burn in 1881,and he designed a triplane in 1909 and a
biplane in 1910,at beginning of WWII he established Navarro Co Ltd.,and in 1918 he
created a Bullet,a high speed fighter,during 1920s he made a flying boat Project,used
as a commercial or with some improvements as a bomber.

In the AE 131,

the Bullet get the patent No. 129,149 also he get a patent No. 195,114 for anther
aircraft,can anyone show them to us and thanks.

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