Few german planes...


ACCESS: Confidential
18 June 2008
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Hi all! I would like to show few renders from incoming IV volume of German Air Projects book. Junkers unnamed attack plane, Messerschmitt Me-329, Blohm & Voss P.196 and Messerschmitt Wildegans. Hope you like it.

Excellent work, Marek, as usual!
Can you please tell about other "odd" aircraft projects depicted in your book? Also, will be there a fifth book on GSP? I`ve read about seaplanes/floatplanes intended for this last book.
Thanks Wurger :) I decided to include all types (also seaplanes and flying boats) into this volume, so this will be last in this series. But in future I plan to go back to first three volumes and make heavy revision of all included informations. There was many years ago when I started with this series, so some informations are a little bit outdated. I dont want to do the same thing once again, so planed for unnamed future book will be different - I don't want to tell how different in this moment. I had a long break with "secret project" aircrafts - most my works depicted existed, so finishing Gearman Air Project series was great reason for seat back to theme, I started my CG graphic adventure. First of my works were luft 46 projects :)

What will be in book... As text about 100 descripted projects, many with 3 view drawings and as images.

Just in this moment I'am working on the very last renders: Arado E.654.
What will be in book... As text about 100 descripted projects, many with 3 view drawings and as images.

Wow. My credit card is waiting for that! :)

Marek your art is fascinating. Thanks for sharing it with us. I specially love the 4th composition.
Hello marek,

thanks a lot for your answer! I will definetelly buy the book and complete the series. When will it be available? The MMP website doesn`t announce it.
I would dare to suggest including otherwise "unknown" german projects. For this you would need to research in many archives in the world ;D .
Great work Marek,
i'll be pleased if you take a look at mine

Marek, I have the first three volumes of this series by you, and I love them. I have been frantically searching for the volume on flying boats - which really interests me - so I am thrilled to learn that the 4th volume will include them. Can you say at this stage approximately when it shall be available? Thanks for this excellent series.
I'am not sure when book will be published, but probably in next two-three months, I hope. On MPM or Stratus site you can find newest catalogue with book announced.

First what I should do is to sorry all for loooong time that I wrote it. There were some reasons, but it is rather weak excuse... Anyway cause of this delay I decided to join all what was no present in first three volumes into one under subtitle: "Attack, multipurposes and other planes". But it was not the only reason. After researching I realised, that it is not enough types of flying boats or seaplanes for one, alone book if I want to keep general concept of the series.

As author I'am most happy with this last, just finished volume. Series is finished, but as I said it is not my end with this topic. I have some new and, I hope, interesting and attractive ideas of my next books about secret project (not only german ;) )

PS. BTW I would ask you all for help. I'am looking for any drawings, sketches etc of Messerschmitt P.1073A (not P.1073B parasite fighter but its carrier). I have only one image from "Luftwaffe Secret Projects. Bombers 1935-1945", but looking for some more.

PPS. Finished! Last renders of Arado E.654 were sent to publisher. Here it is one of them.

A few German planes, and every one a beauty.

Terrific work.

Peter :D
Thanks Flitzer for bringing this topic to attention. I hadn't seen it before, somehow.

The artwork here is absolutely amazing. Though I can't deny those German projects were aesthetically pleasing, I always find it a bit of a shame that there swastika-filled books sell whereas similar books of American, Soviet, French or British wouldn't to the same extent. I find the fascination with a post-1945 Luftwaffe is a little sick, but of course this has nothing to do with your work, which is first class!!
While I agree with you Stargazer2006 about the very high standard of this artwork - both the colour action paintings & Marek's three-views - I am surprised to read that books on German projects sell better than those of other countries. Further, I think the paucity of quality books on many western nations is more to blame for any imbalance in popularity than any unsavoury interest in German WWII aircraft. I would imagine that most of the fans of this site would prioritise their purchases on the following criteria: 1) personal field of interest (aircraft type rather than nationality), 2) the quality of the published works (depth of coverage, accuracy, artwork, supply of new & unfamiliar information), 3) value-for-money, 4) availability. Perhaps I am wrong, but I cannot imagine that many, if any, members of this site have a perverse liking for aircraft of the Luftwaffe. I personally, would love to see more books on Soviet (& also American) post-WWII aircraft, especially bombers, flying boats and supersonic aircraft projects.

Stargazer2006 wrote:

I find the fascination with a post-1945 Luftwaffe is a little sick, but of course this has nothing to do with your work, which is first class!!

I guess, then, that I am a little sick, doctor, so are a lot of us, including our fellow artist-members, I imagine. Please restrain yourself on such comments. A friend of mine has this adiction for soviet aircraft, so almost all his books relate to "Red Stars". I guess that makes him a little sick too.
Wurger said:
I guess that makes him a little sick too.

I never called ANYONE sick! All I said is that there is a fascination with a Nazi regime that would have gone on after 1945 and been more dangerous than it already was, and it's THAT fascination which I find sick, considering all that we know about the horrors it perpetrated.

To take my argument one step further, I find any exaggerated fascination with war in general a little sick... What I like the most about aircraft is the conception, design, testing, and so forth. The operational military history of aircraft is not really my thing... You may call me weird if you want.
Hi stargazer,

you said:
I find any exaggerated fascination with war in general a little sick... What I like the most about aircraft is the conception, design, testing, and so forth. The operational military history of aircraft is not really my thing...

Agreed, but this forum is about projected aircraft, not about "operational military history", something I haven`t seen around. I stronglly enforce the apolitical character of our forum, and I suggest you do the same and keep your considerations for yourself. I have seen some good members to be out this forum because of off limit comments.

You may call me weird if you want

No, I won`t. Just keep it that way. After all, you are a Moderator!
I don't think, that fact if someone is fan of german airplanes (from technical point of view) makes him fascinated with nazi regime. Whatever you could say german aviation industry was on very high level and their engineers had really "future" concepts. May be it is one of elements, that make this topic so interesting? From other point as aviation artist and author not limited to "german" topics I can say that is is a little bit sad, that I can sell any amount of books about Me 262 and not about Mustang or Spitfire.

BTW. Since few years I'am working on a book about soviet projects from period 1935-48. Was talking with few publishers about, but they are a little bit affraid about selling this...
Not exactly "project", but also not plane ready to fly :) Few shoots of Horten Ho 229 from book published by Kagero.


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Absolutely brilliant pictures! Thank you so much for sharing.
Terrific work! Mighty impressive, thank you for sharing it :D

Brilliant images - I try not to post a reply every time I see something fascinating on this site (because then I'd be posting in virtually every thread) but those images are just excellent. (As are those of CiTrus90 and Flitzer too, I must say.) To all, thank you.
Very, very well done images. Amazing how unusual the thing looks in bare plywood. Very artisanal and hipstery, like you found some art collective selling hand-crafted jet fighters on Etsy.

I wonder how many different color schemes this plane could go through. From bare plywood to painted and ready to fly, there'd at least have to be a "primer gray" stage. But would the plywood have been given a pre-primer coating? A waterproofing agent, perhaps? A shiny epoxy stage?

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