Henschel Hs 132


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21 April 2012
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Hi this one of the aircrafts i'm working on it's the most advanced, i've a problem with prints especially with the jet engine mounted on it back, if someone could help !

Cheers :)


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Hi Again, i think i've solved the jet matter by changing the outlet as it is shown in the pic below, any comments and/or critics are welcome ;)


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I think the step from engine cowling to engine exhaust should be less pronounced. I dug up some pictures from William Green's 'Warplanes of the Third Reich' to illustrate. Haven't got it with me now, found the pictures on the internet.

The photo appears to be somewhat retouched, the cowling-exhaust step in the image may have suffered.


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Arjen said:
I think the step from engine cowling to engine exhaust should be less pronounced. I dug up some pictures from William Green's 'Warplanes of the Third Reich' to illustrate. Haven't got it with me now, found the pictures on the internet.

The photo appears to be somewhat retouched, the cowling-exhaust step in the image may have suffered.

oh yes
that picture was heavy retouched with airbrush by Artis Gert Heumann, working at Henschel !
because in realty the Prototype fuselage was not ready and had no wings...

Source: Luft 46 http://www.luft46.com/henschel/hs132.html
Live and learn...
Thank you, Michel.
Thanks guys for your reply,
there's somthing i noticed is that the "cross section" of the fuselage in bluprints that i found and for example Martin Letts and Jozef Gatial art on this aircraft is "round"
but in the pic posted by Michel Van the cross section is a triangle with round edges and that's what i found in two prints... only two, now i don't know have i to keep the round cross section, or is it a matter of versions
And on some drawings, e.g. here http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/LRG/hs132.html,
(see attached drawing) or in Novarra "Die Deutsche Luftrüstung", volume 3 both can be found !
But looking at the photo of the uncompleted fuselage, I would tend to the rounded triangle,
just have a look at the partially exposed frames.


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A rounded triangle fuselage makes more sense, because the pilot lies on floor of cockpit.

on this homepage http://modelscale.free.fr/photoscopes/Hs132/index.html
are some graphic and drawings who look authentic


again Luft 46 with Cockpit detail

by the way
the Soviets found the the uncompleted fuselage, (while the wing were in a factory in france) source wiki
can it be that the Hs-132 fuselage still exist, some were in Russian or ukraine museum ?
That's embarassing :-\, because i've modelled the fuselage according to a round cross section print, i'll try to modify this, if i could, i could but if i couldn't......
by the way all artisit impressions of this aircraft is with a round cross section, so if i achieve to get a triangular cross section i'll probably be the first to do that B) and that's encouraging.
and yes i think what said Michel Van is right, here is a print from a russian site that shows the triangular cross section.


thanks agin for your help guys ;) , and i'll try to fiw and i'll keep you updated.
Hi again guys, i've a question if the aircraft is with a triangular cross section why most prints shows it with a roud one? was there many versions of the aircraft with different cross section?
I'd go for the rounded triangle too. Also the bottom of the uncompleted frame looks flattened a bit.

However, a partly triangular fuselage could still result in a rounded shape in front view. We'd need a breakdown of the structure to be sure...
I've used the photo from http://www.luftarchiv.de/flugzeuge/henschel/hs132.htm, to try to outline
the fuselage frames (although of smaller size, quality is slightly better) and to my opinion, the greates
width is below the centerline of the fuselage, so it can't be of circular cross section. The shape of the
visible frames match the shape of canopy frame. But Stargazer is right, for a precise determination, other
sources would be necessary.

lippischh said:
... why most prints shows it with a roud one?

This may have been a result of the retouched photo, I think. And probably most drawings of the Hs 132
aren't based on a complete analysis of the very few photos, but just on other drawings, so this error was
copied again and again. With other points it may be the same ...

AFAIK there should have been several different versions, but they would have been differing with regards to
type of the engine, span or armamnet only.


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now i'm sure that it has a round edges triangle cross section, that will be tough for me to change the mesh to the correct shape so it will take a lot of time messing with vertices :).
thanks for your help guys


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Well, changing an existing work often is more troublesome, than starting a complete new one.
Do you found the drawing here http://foto-transporta.ru/main.php?g2_itemId=91539 .
It's a very detailed drawing and in that thread even the cockpit is shown. Either those
drawings actually are originals, or someone put a lot of work into making them look like
originals ! A pity, that I couldn't find a source ...
Hi i recontructed the model and shaped the wings and the tail and here is what its look like now, i worked with the right prints so feel free to tell me what do you think.


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I was just about to comment on Military-Meshes that there should be more accurate drawings available of this plane... I see you already found them! :)

Good going! Personally I would model the wing separately and then model a wing fillet, just like the real thing. It is both more detailed and easier to model.
Looking at the Hs 129 and Hs 293, it probably didn't even have a wing fillet. Just some guiding strips at best (similar to planes like the B-25, F6F and F4U).

Here is a cockpit drawing for you (source Monogram Publications' Jet Planes of the Third Reich, vol.2):
Hi Skyraider, thanks a lot for your help, i'm greatful to you :D ;)

i'll try to make you proud of me with this model.

here is what the aircraft looks like right now, please tell me what do you think, notice the absence of wing fillet.
i think what is not perfect is the vertical fin shape that i'll correct and the inlet size i think it should be smaller.

waiting for your replys


  • hs132.jpg
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Hi guys, the work on my Henschel 132 was slower than on other projects in order to be wiser...........

now here is two renders that i've done a while ago, please feel free to C&C



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It looks like it's fresh out of the factory in #1, the smooth finish accentuates the aircraft's shape well. #2: all the trouble of making it look good and then have it shot at - there's artistic licence for you.
Have you considered a slightly coarser finish for the arcraft's skin? You'd lose some crispness, but the image might look more life-like.
I've been greatly looking forward to this further development and I'm not disappointed.
N I C E.

;D P
Erm, actually I should be thanking you

I'd really be pleased if more people had left comment before i publish this, but that's alright.

unfinished models of the Henschel132 was captured by russians during their progression, so i wondered if they got it finished and if they really was in need of using it "immediately" in some battle.

Would it be a russian Henschel-132 ? "i mean with USSR markings"



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I really like the first of your two illustrations! You've improved tremendously in getting a realistic render here.

Just think of correcting the erroneous Henschel designation in your post (it should read "132", not "162"...).
lippischh said:
unfinished models of the Henschel132 was captured by russians during their progression, so i wondered if they got it finished and if they really was in need of using it "immediately" in some battle.

Would it be a russian Henschel-132 ? "i mean with USSR markings"


Not unplausible! The latest issue of the German annual boog "Fliegerkalender" features the history of German aircraft
in soviet service, from the first beginnings before WW I to the use of captured types after WW II and the development
of aircraft by German engineers in the SU. Have attached a photo of a He 162 with red stars.


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Hi Jemiba, Thanks a lot for this pearl, this photo just prooved that my idea wasn't that bad ;)
i think that i'll do some renders with the russian color scheme.

I have attached another render of my Henschel.



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lippischh said:
I have attached another render of my Henschel.

Neat! I like the faded colors, they almost make it look like a old photograph.
Well done ! The shades on the tail plane and wing seem a bit too dark to me
and the exhaust plume reminds me of a steam locomotive, not an aircraft.
About the pilot, I'm not sure. Is he looking at the observer? Could be quite
uncomfortable in a prone position, I think.
I like the "soft look" of your images (reminds me recent Ronnie Olsthoorn's images). Also model is good and texturing. Cool work.

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