Chengdu J-20 pictures, analysis and speculation Part II

Now confirmed !


  • J-20 2012 - 17-7.14 finally confirmed.jpg
    J-20 2012 - 17-7.14 finally confirmed.jpg
    663.2 KB · Views: 182
Ta Deino.
She looks quite purposeful.
When is it likely to enter service again?

It's difficult to keep up with the various fighter programmes, especially with relatively often time slippage.
'2012' taxi-test .... ;)

... looks like a dragon spreading its wings and ready to fly !
Just took of today !! ... so congrats to the guys at CAC.


  • J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 1.jpg
    J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 1.jpg
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  • J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 2.jpg
    J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 2.jpg
    211.3 KB · Views: 127
;) ;) ;)


  • J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 4 best.jpg
    J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 4 best.jpg
    84.4 KB · Views: 127
  • J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 7.jpg
    J-20 2012 maiden flight 26.7.14 - 7.jpg
    337.2 KB · Views: 116
IMO this thing is far more impressive than the Russian T-50.
Repainted '2001' re-appeared !


  • J-20 2001 repainted grey - 23.9.14.jpg
    J-20 2001 repainted grey - 23.9.14.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 105
Two nice ones from today .... ;)


  • J-20 2012 details.jpg
    J-20 2012 details.jpg
    30.8 KB · Views: 861
  • J-20 2012 - 1.10.14 - 2.jpg
    J-20 2012 - 1.10.14 - 2.jpg
    617.9 KB · Views: 974
  • J-20 2012 - 1.10.14 - 1.jpg
    J-20 2012 - 1.10.14 - 1.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 1,069
The shrunken engine nacelles and paint job make the aircraft look much better than the old prototypes. This is a rather good looking plane.
Yes and no !

There are indeed since years several rumors about a possible carrier-capable naval version of the J-20, that still competes with a design from SAC for the future naval fighter. How this one will ever look like ... that's pure speculation and by the way this is a typical stipd part of that report:

However, the design of the Chengdu J-20 is currently too large to be deployed aboard the Liaoning, according to the report.

It's not the size (esp. length and span), which is problematic, but overall the wing geometry !

Latest on J-31 and J-20 from Feng at Information Dissemination
Nice one ... original source is from his blog:

... by the way one small mistake:

... The test aircraft in question were J-20 prototype No 2012, Y-20 prototype No. 783 and Y-8FQ (ASW variant) prototype No. 731. ...

In fact it was the new medium-size AEW called KJ-500, that strangely has the same CFTE-serial as the mentioned Y-8GX-6 (Y-8FQ).

Added are the three images he mentioned.



  • KJ-500 CFTE 731 - 24.10.14.jpg
    KJ-500 CFTE 731 - 24.10.14.jpg
    26.9 KB · Views: 539
  • Y-20 CFTE 783 - 24.10.14.jpg
    Y-20 CFTE 783 - 24.10.14.jpg
    26.4 KB · Views: 521
  • J-20 201x - 24.10.14.jpg
    J-20 201x - 24.10.14.jpg
    23.7 KB · Views: 76
Reportedly J-20 '2013' is in the air right now !


  • J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 1.jpg
    J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 1.jpg
    71 KB · Views: 68
  • J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 2.jpg
    J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 2.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 71
;) ;) ;)


  • J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 7.jpg
    J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 7.jpg
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  • J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 6.jpg
    J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 6.jpg
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  • J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 5.jpg
    J-20 2013 maybe - 29.11.14 - 5.jpg
    16.3 KB · Views: 62
The best image so far ! ... seems to have no longer a pitot !


  • J-20 2013 maiden flight - 29.11.14 - 8xxl cut.jpg
    J-20 2013 maiden flight - 29.11.14 - 8xxl cut.jpg
    131 KB · Views: 150


  • image.jpg
    29.2 KB · Views: 129
To admit this has nothing to do, it's simply this photographer's style to put his sign above all images. In most cases to hide the serials - esp. on the current J-10B serials - but since we know that both engines are the same and most likely as before the AL-31FN it's nothing special.



  • J-10B operational + serial - 13.11.14 xs.jpg
    J-10B operational + serial - 13.11.14 xs.jpg
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  • J-10B serial grey xxxx06 - 7.11.14xs.jpg
    J-10B serial grey xxxx06 - 7.11.14xs.jpg
    75.1 KB · Views: 1,223
Speaking of engines, after reading some old posts from Sino Defence Forums, it appears that the current J-20 engine is the AL-31FN, or some further development of it by Salyut, and possibly uprated to something like 137 kN. It might even be the same Series 3 as used currently by the J-10B. It's supposed to be interim until the WS-15 engines come online some time near the end of the decade.
Exactly ... that is also my "conclusion" !
;) ;)


  • J-20 2013 - 10.12.14 part.jpg
    J-20 2013 - 10.12.14 part.jpg
    243.9 KB · Views: 1,053
A bit better version of the original image !


  • J-20 2013 - 29.11.14 - 1xs fine mod.jpg
    J-20 2013 - 29.11.14 - 1xs fine mod.jpg
    31.1 KB · Views: 889
Surprise, surprise ... already during the maiden flight of '2013' there were rumors about yet another prototype ... but '2015' !?? ... I'm still skeptical. ???


  • J-20 2015 or psed - 18.12.14 - 1part2.jpg
    J-20 2015 or psed - 18.12.14 - 1part2.jpg
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  • J-20 2015 or psed - 18.12.14 - 1.jpg
    J-20 2015 or psed - 18.12.14 - 1.jpg
    36.2 KB · Views: 751
Reportedly '2015' has just performed ist maiden flight ! :eek:
To admit I'm still surprised and speechless, even 2011 and 2012 alone would be a great success or progress to this program, but that they managed to fly 4 J-20s this year is something I did not expect.

Therefore if the 201x aircraft are already representing a similar status like the J-10 101x- pre-production models, we could probably even speak of something similar to a LRIP.

2001 - 11. January 2011
2002 - 6. Mai 2012 (now renumbered as 2004)
2011 - 1. March 2014
2012 - 26. July 2014
2013 - 29. November 2014
2015 - 19. December 2014

Is this real ??? Usually that guy is quite a reliable poster ?!!! ??? ???


  • J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 6 best or ps.jpg
    J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 6 best or ps.jpg
    94.7 KB · Views: 152
So it begs the obvious question wheres 2014 then and what is it being used for ?
Geoff_B said:
So it begs the obvious question wheres 2014 then and what is it being used for ?

To admit the most reasonable - itself in this case a quite funny contradiction - is a certain superstitious feeling in some Chinese provinces, where "14" sounds pronounced like "will die" ...


  • J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 7 best mod.jpg
    J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 7 best mod.jpg
    81.3 KB · Views: 167
:) :) :)


  • J-20 2015 - 30.12.14.jpg
    J-20 2015 - 30.12.14.jpg
    788.2 KB · Views: 171
  • J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 6 best complete.jpg
    J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 6 best complete.jpg
    198.7 KB · Views: 166
Very nice Deino. Not much diffenrence between 2014 and 15, looks like they have settled at a definitive design for the J-20.
So ... and this was the year of the J-20 with a nice family-portrait of all four birds from 2014 ...


  • J-20 prototypes 2011 2012 2013 2015.jpg
    J-20 prototypes 2011 2012 2013 2015.jpg
    253.2 KB · Views: 119
How reliable is this?

Apparently the Chinese won't be exporting the J-20, contrary to many people's expectations.

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