Blohm und Voss P.210


ACCESS: Secret
21 April 2012
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there is my renders of the P.210 tailess fighter.




i hope you enjoy it :D
Great work !
it only seems to have the same fault, as a lot of model kits: The panel lines are a little
bit too deep and wide and the rivets too large. Nevertheless, looks good ! ;)
Just a clue: In Germany you wouldn't be allowed to show this publicly, because of
infringement of the paragraph 86 of the penal code, due to the swastika, wether or not
shown in the correct form.
And in countries, that regard this symbol as a part of history, as long as it is only shown
models or such pictures, you probably would be told, that it is obviously mirrored. ;)
lippischh said:
i didn't get what you wanted to mean. but thanks you guys.

Oh, I was just hinting that it would be great if your beautiful artwork were engineered into a paper model.
On the paper modeling forums this is quite common.

Keep up the great work.
nice work! any reason for the second h in lippisch(h)?
Hi everyone, thanks,

yes actually there's a reason the second H is the first letter of my own name.


  • 16.jpg
    432.5 KB · Views: 31

The model is good, the texturing could be a bit better..
Your bumpmap is too strong, a bit less deep lines would be better.
And you could use an occlusionmap to fill in those bumplines. Now you bumplines on the bottom of the plane seem to give of light ( they glow)
The shinyness is still too strong, also could you colormap into reflection and specular. The same colors should be reflected from those too.


Hi Lippischh,

I edited your render and attached it.
Your controlsurfaces are just cut out instead of real geometry?It is better to model a real controlsurface and a real indent in the wing then just a hole in the wing.
I have make a psd which you can open in Photoshop or a similar program.
I had to fake all the layers, but I am sure your software can make those layers. (what software do you use?)
The result is a more realistic looking render.

In short: you need to copy your colormap and use it as a reflective colormap (most software have this option)
then you need to copy the colormap to the specular colormap ( not all software use this term or have the option to set it)
then you will notice that your colors will be deeper.
Then you need to add a occlusionmap, this is a rendermap that works with distances, short distances will give a darker color then greater distances.
It is also called a dirt-shader in some software.
In the psd I faked the distance between the wing and the fuselage, you can clearly see some darker part between the wing and fuselage.
If you put and occlusionmap ontop of a render, it will look more real.

If you have any more questions, let me know,


Here another render, material fixed but the bump is too strong so i've to fix that i also will put a more detailed texture. :)

i hope you enjoy and critics strongly welcome.


  • bv210.jpg
    673.1 KB · Views: 244
Much better. You had the shape right to begin with, your new texture is a big improvement. Two minor quibbles:
- the hooks of the swastika markings are facing the wrong way
- I think the solid white crosses on the top surface of the wings should be like the white outlined crosses on the fuselage side
Hi Arjen,
If markings are just the only source of quibbles as you said i'm happy
i personally wanted someone to critic markings so thanks a lot
One other point: the starboard wing's surface in reply #18 looks very rough, almost like paint-covered rust. If that was intentional, hats off. In real life, surfaces that bumpy are murder on performance.
Believe me i know that very well, let say that it was a mistake, in the second render or should i say in the second state of the scene i fixed that roughness.

thanks again for the comment ;)
I love the very unusual angle. Also the render is now a lot more realistic. You're on the right path!
I would second Stargazer about the angle, well done !
Perhaps a little bit more detail/structure for the undersides ?
In a certain sense the flat black undersides may actually add
some realism, giving the impression of a slightly underexposed
snapshot, but then a picture with grey tones only, mimicking a
b/w photo would be better .
Jemiba said:
a picture with grey tones only, mimicking a
b/w photo would be better .

Great minds! I almost suggested the same!!!
The last one is a very nice render :)
Great work :)

The only crit I have on the camoflage is that the green of the fuselage doesn't extend to the green of the wing.
They should blend together.
I have attached a paintover to show what I mean.




  • sunset_reworked.jpg
    37.9 KB · Views: 422
Then you just need some old photographic paper and soon there could be
a new offer on eBay: An authentic photo of one of the last test flights over
Germany ! ;D


  • Geheim.jpg
    83.5 KB · Views: 411
Or like this?

Replaced by a better version further below.
Nice. Try a bit of film-grain and a touch of motion blur. Then it'll be perfect!
Oh guys ???, nice pics
if you just had told you're going to do that before you've that would be better.

but i'm not angry, on the countrary its a sign that my work worth somthing :)

Well, as Arjen said before, you should limit the crosses on the wings to the white angles,
as on the fuselage sides. But the swastikas are ok now, so you would have to face accusation
in Germany without doubt ... ;)
The colours of the camouflage are better chosen here, than before, to my opinion (more like the
standard RLM 70/71).

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