Northrop-Hendy XT37 Turbodyne


ACCESS: Confidential
7 March 2007
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This may be the wrong place to post this--and moderators, please don't hesitate to shift it elsewhere if it better fits another category--but I don't recall seeing very many images of the XT37. This pic was published in the December 2, 1946 issue of Aviation News, and the caption says that "work started on the 2,400 hp. engine in 1941 and it was first run in 1944." The picture was taken at the National Aircraft Show, held in Cleveland, Ohio just previously, and this was said to have been its first public exhibition. Anyone have any other/better pics?

BTW, there's a cutaway mounted on the front of the engine stand, but it's not at all clear how the cutaway is related to the engine...perhaps simply suggestive of how the engine was supposed to work?


  • img137.jpg
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The cutaway appears to show 1/2 of the airflow path through the engine. It shows all of the interesting features (turbine and stator blades, burners, etc) but saves space by omiting the (probably) solid shaft and duplicated airflow path on the other side.

Clioman said:
BTW, there's a cutaway mounted on the front of the engine stand, but it's not at all clear how the cutaway is related to the engine...

Lameass Photoshoppery attempt below to indicate how the cutaway likely relates to the engine.


  • lame.jpg
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Thanks, guys...looks like you've cracked the nut. The photoshop makes it much easier to visualize.
Another shot of the Northrop N-10 Turbodyne jet engine developed with Hendy on the MX-562 and MX-562A programs for use on proposed EB-35B.

Interestingly, this French article from a late 1947 issue of Science et Vie mislabels the engine as the Northrop "Hendy", and gives quite a different timeframe for the project, claiming that studies for it started as early as 1939...


  • Hendy.jpg
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The Hendy Machine Works was a company involved with Northrop in the development of the XT37.

Suggest this topic be moved to Propulsion.
The Hendy Machine Works was a company involved with Northrop in the development of the XT37.

Suggest this topic be moved to Propulsion.
I agree. More images of the T37, including a prototype and a diagram on the T37's cutaway, can be found at these link:

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